Project Scope:
Map for my custom campaign. It will be presented for players in print and digital format. I am going to share freely this map with WH40k RPG community.
Warhammer 40.000 Dark Heresy II
Design Concept:
Actually, it’s not a town. It’s just a district (hub G-317) of hive-city* Desoleum Primus** in lower hive zone. Life in lower hive is the life among poverty and mud streets. It’s a life without clean air and natural light. Still it’s better than ruins and lawlessness of underhive.
I have a concept which was drawn with my poor skills.
1 Church of The Holy Emperor
2 Sealed Gates leading to the underground zone outside the city
3 Square
4 Gates to another hub
5 Sewage of the toxic waste water-river
6 The inn
7 Trade-district with the city market and small crafters shop
8 Main gates leading to the central hubs of lower hive.
9 Black market in the ruins
10 The Inn
11 Underground technical ducts
12 Sealed gates to abandoned hub
- Abyss and ruins are results of “hivequake” that destroyed numerous layers of lower hive and underhive. Seems this pit is bottomless.
- Manufactorum is the main reason why this hub exists, more then a half population of hub G-317 works here. Lower hive isn’t good place for highly-developed production, for example, this fabric produces dishes and cutlery for local defense forces and enforcers.
- Barracks were populated by small garrison of the noble house soldiers since hub G-317 is a property of this house. Nowadays they are abandoned.
- “Fishermen” village is a zone with poor huts (other population of hub lives in poor concrete blocks) made from scrap. It’s populated by scavengers, who are searching for valuable junk in toxic river.
- Squares with crosses will be concrete blocks, key points for players. Don’t mind about them, I will indicate them by myself during the game.
I ask to transfer original concept and fill the map with secondary streets and buildings. You don’t need to mark any names of zones, it’s like technical guidance for you. Instead I would like you to designate key points with symbols.
For the manufactorum you can use cog and for the church — two headed imperial eagle.
Also I would like you to design “statistical information” frame which will be filled by myself with records about hub squares, number of population e.t.c. in my native language. I appreciate improvisation and creative freedom.
*More about hive-cities
**More about Desoleum and Desoleum Primus
I’m not sure about technical details. I would like to print it in A3 format, in digital format I hope on your choice.
Remains with cartographer.
I keep my right to distribute this map freely.
The 15th July
100€, full prepayment.
I prefer IBAN, but if it’s not possible, I can adapt.
NB! On the 15th June, i will be unavailable for 3 weeks.
Telegram @chaquematin
E-mail guruljin(at)me(dot)com
Sorry for my English.