Hello Guild,

Finally, I've created a piece of terrain that I actually like the aesthetic appeal of; also, I believe that my topography looks more convincing than anything I've ever produced before. I hope you all agree, but if you don't, remember that I'm always open to criticism.

Like my previous entries, I used Photoshop and Wilbur to produce this map. My partner Debbie and cat Cleo also deserve much credit for inspiring me and providing healthy distractions (as otherwise I could sit and work on the computer for hours on end). Credit is also due to every Guild member who has ever submitted feedback to my work; although there's too many of you for me to list individually, I'm sure you all know who you are. Thanks a million.

Again, I'm no longer looking to make a living in this field; I am satisfied merely by tapping into my creativity to render realistic worlds. When I'm a Guild Artisan, I intend to use my skill to create a voluminous world like Elyden by vorropaiah.

Thank you for clicking on this map and I hope you're not disappointed.

