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Thread: The Blessed Temple of the Bronze Gods

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  1. #1
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Default The Blessed Temple of the Bronze Gods

    Hi guys! So this map shows the island that hosts the temple to the Bronze Gods: a complex of three buildings and an eternal bonfire, each dedicated to (or built to ward off) one of the Gods. On top there's a top-down day view, at the bottom there's an isometric night view, weird lighting inclided, and in the middle you can take a peek at the four Bronze Gods themselves.

    This map shows part of the same world as my previous map, The Sacred Isles of Møstrvæya, where I briefly mentioned the Bronze Gods in the title. I had nothing particular in mind when I slapped those words in the title bit, but turns out I tickled the interest of enough people to get quite a few questions. Which of course I couldn't answer because I hadn't taken the time to invent a backstory, it was just a practice map! So... I tried to solve that here. While still not exactly elaborate, people can at least get an idea of their names and predicates, what they look like and the place where they are worshiped.

    Temple of the Bronze Gods (FINAL).jpg
    Last edited by Caenwyr; 11-19-2020 at 03:50 PM.
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  2. #2
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
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    This is actually amazing. You manage to put so much relief and realism into such a small, simple map. The topography really reminds me of a Scandinavian island.
    The lighting on the perspective map is really evoking, and love the way the colors tie into the character design. The character design is epic, love the style of the illustrations as well.
    Blue for the sea was definitely the right choice I think.
    The only thing I could think of in terms of criticism is the title could use just a little something to make it a little more visually interesting. Not sure if a frame would serve the map or not, as it is it looks really great.

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  3. #3


    Map turned out awesome. One question I have is if you call yourself "the nameless darkness" can you still really claim to be nameless?

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QED42 View Post
    Map turned out awesome. One question I have is if you call yourself "the nameless darkness" can you still really claim to be nameless?
    Lol yeah, I don't think that's what they call themself (yes, gender unknown). The other three Gods represent means of survival (foresight to prevent bad things from happening, combat to fight the bad and craftiness to bend the bad to your will) and their negative counterparts (blindness, cruelty and betrayal). As such, they have been given personas, names and predicates. They are "known", albeit still scary. You can master their craft or exploit their devious consequences, but you can't control or even fight the "unknown", represented by the Darkness, which is therefore inherently Nameless.

    From the perspective of their religion, the names of the Dual Three have been revealed by the Gods themselves, during séances, divine interventions and whatnot, but the Nameless Darkness has only ever revealed themself as the unexpected horror lurking in the shadows, striking unexpectedly. They might have a bigger plan that overshadows the fickle nature of the Dual Three, they might even be benevolent to humanity (with uncharacteristic cruelty toward the individual), heck, the Nameless Darkness might call themself Woozly-Wingo for all they know, but he doesn't tell and they're too afraid to ask, so the people of this world just go for "the Nameless one", which has a nice ring to it.

    Full disclosure: I pulled all of this out of my own *** two seconds ago. But if you ask, I must answer, even if I didn't have this in mind at all when I drew this
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  5. #5


    Fun, live lore-building! Sand it makes sense, too.

    The map of the island is great - I also love the colors and the relief topography, but I want to specifically comment on the way you depicted waves in the water. I'm not sure I've ever seen it done that way before! And it really works. I know instantly what's going on, and it adds so much more to the map than just the water/land boundary, because now you can tell something about wind speed and direction. It looks amazing, too. Great idea!

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