I just finished my satellite map, I know that compared to other maps here it's not much, but I wanted to share this moment of relief when I finish a project with fellow cartographers.
Bare Island Map Small.png
I just finished my satellite map, I know that compared to other maps here it's not much, but I wanted to share this moment of relief when I finish a project with fellow cartographers.
Bare Island Map Small.png
It's a start, that's what counts. We were all where you are, once, don't be discouraged.
It's clean, that's a good start, I love your labeling, I struggle with that. It's interesting to see someone focus more on the underwater portion, than above sea level.
My critique would be that your legend conflicts a lot with what is on the map. You have kelp in one area as defined by the key, but another area with no confined dots like the key, labeled as 'kelp'. Second, there are redundancies all over, like labeling a few boulders as 'large rocks', when they are already clearly defined by the legend.
I think color could help with clearing up the redundancies. It would help better define your legend, so you don't have to label things like 'sand' on the map itself, because the eye would just look at the yellowish-blue under the waves and think, 'that's sand'. Also, that would allow you to shift that label over to the key, where it should be.
Otherwise it looks a fun infiltration encounter map, I dig it.
Thank you ^_^. It was actually part of a commission. The commission was coloured, but the lack of confidence in using coloured pencils didn't let me do it in cease i would mess up the map. The customer wanted the map he drew to be replicated exactly, and I also let him know that I won't colour the map because of said reason. He was okay with it. Thank you for the tip, and I sure will put it in practice once I will, you know, fiddle more with colours xD.
I didn't realize the context through which this was drawn, excuse me. I suppose that's a critique for your commissioner.
I understand your trepidation.Colored pencils are all about how much pressure you apply, and how sharp your tip is. They blend, but I tend to stay away from it because I don't like how mottled the transition can be. A personal preference. If you take your time and do it right, colored pencil blending can be quite beautiful. I highly recommend working from top left, to bottom right with colored pencils (vice-versa for lefties), and shading your lightest shades first, then adding your thicker shades later. Smudging can really ruin a piece, so be careful of that.
No no, don't worry! It's my fault actually for forgetting to add the context xD And thank you. I have this scrapbook of mine where I am going to practice with pencils a lot, especially these ones, cause they are some sort of watercolour pencils. MILAN is the brand called. And about the smudging, honestly, never thought of it, though it was obvious xd
Does this post of mine go into a gallery or somewhere?
Your map is posted in our 'Finished Maps' folder, so anyone who visits the thread can see it. You can also click on the Finished maps thumbnails (here) and view all Finished Maps by user name.
Many people create an album (or albums) of their work which can be viewed via their profile. If you go to your profile page (via the menu at the top right of the page), look at the left hand side and scroll down a bit. There's an albums section you can click on there. Feel free to create an album and add some pics. People have albums for (for example) Finished maps, work-in-progress, Commissions, Challenge Entries, Black & White etc etc. It's entirely up to you how you categorise your work.
If someone sees one of your maps and likes it, they'll often hop over to your profile page to see what else you've done, so this is a good way to show off your work.
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