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Thread: Aezala's Vale. (Please give me feedback guys!)

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  1. #1

    Map Aezala's Vale. (Please give me feedback guys!)

    Hello everyone. It has been a LONG time since I posted here. I have been really busy with other stuff and haven't had much time to make anything worth posting here that I would consider finished. BUT, finally the time has come. After a couple weeks of trying to figure it out and tweaking it over and over, I finally sat down and made it real. Here is the finished map for Aezala's Vale. Please give me your feeback and how I could make it better.

    This map was made in Inkarnate (Im a cartograhy rookie) (Please let me know some more versitile resources for map making!)
    It is made in parchement style with no colour to give it an older look.Aezala's Vale.jpg
    Last edited by Angus950; 06-03-2021 at 01:48 PM.

  2. #2


    Very, very nice! Great trees and mounatins.

    Maybe de-saturate the color a bit more to get that old-time look?

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
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    Sep 2017


    This looks really good to me. There is one slight river mis-use (depending on how realistic the map should be! It might be on purpose) but everything else looks great. I hope whoever built the bridge between the two continents was a good engineer though. It will take quite a beating in storms!

  4. #4


    This specific world has quite a temperate climate. I am aware that there is a river that isnt connected which I fixed. But what was the river mis-use?

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
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    Sep 2017


    I can't see your map anymore so I will have to do this from memory - so it may be a bit off. If I remember correctly there was a lake in the top of the left continent that had two rivers leaving it and emptying into the sea. In a realistic situation there could only be one river doing that (as the lake can only have one lowest side) but in a fantasy world anything could happen so there could very much be a reason for that. It is just something that always catches my eye on a map!

  6. #6


    yes I see now that the map is no longer going to fix that now.
    when you see this, if you look at both of these lake draining points, on one of them, there are 2 main cities close to it. I'll say the second drainage point was made artificially

  7. #7


    Looks really lovely. Love the old feel. Well done !

    If I may humbly suggest a change, it would be to lighten the labels somehow, which disappear a bit in the landshade.

  8. #8
    Guild Novice Paritegic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    I love the font and the colours are really nice and moody, though the rounded coastlines do give the map a touch of a cartoon vibe, rather than a realistic feel.
    Otherwise I love the map, and really adore the city spanning continents!

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