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Thread: Font Recommendations

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  1. #1

    Default Font Recommendations

    Hi everyone,

    I’m new and will soon post an intro about myself. But first I was hoping for some font recommendations. I’m working on a reference style poster with a large map. My body text on the poster is white on a black background. I’m having trouble finding an appropriate typeface that doesn’t get swallowed up by the black due to having too many thicks and thins. Does anyone out there have any recommendations?

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Welcome to the guild. There are a number of websites which do great font repositories like dafont. Of them, usually the ones with consistent width are the helveticas and san serif types - although they don't look too interesting. I have the same problem when I cut fonts with a cutter which has a set width. I can go bigger than the line but not less. So serifs and thin sections are a problem. When printing white on black you have more problems than white on black and I understand that dilemma. If printing professionally then you can usually get them to do a sample and maybe it would be best to ask your printing service for best recommendations. But some people here get text printed and may have experience in it.

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