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Thread: Tehra: World Map

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice
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    Dec 2024
    Within the halls of a scriptorium

    Map Tehra: World Map

    My first completed map in years; drawn for an ongoing TTRPG game I'm a member of (ORIGINS: A Tale of Tehra). The world and all content within is a part an original project created by our game master, and I had the opportunity to produce a map for our ongoing story.

    Tools: drawn in Photoshop, with Illustrator used for the typography curvature. Cintiq DTK-2260, screened tablet with stylus. The landmass shapes and settlement locations/names were provided to me from our game master, everything else being created and illustrated by me.
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  2. #2
    Community Leader Kellerica's Avatar
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    South Scotland (originally Finland)


    Very nice! You've got a really pleasing style, and the little city illustrations are absolutely delightful. I really enjoy the muted colour scheme too.

    I have to ask though, is there any specific reason why you'd switch to Illustrator to make curved labels? I've always done my labels, including curves, in Photoshop because I find it way easier, so very curious what the advantages would be!
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  3. #3
    Guild Novice
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    Dec 2024
    Within the halls of a scriptorium


    Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
    Very nice! You've got a really pleasing style, and the little city illustrations are absolutely delightful. I really enjoy the muted colour scheme too.

    I have to ask though, is there any specific reason why you'd switch to Illustrator to make curved labels? I've always done my labels, including curves, in Photoshop because I find it way easier, so very curious what the advantages would be!
    Thank you! While I do have to switch applications when doing labels, I work much faster with Illustrator regarding text for work like this. Especially when it comes to quick resizes without losing quality due to the vector aspect. PS and Illustrator essentially have the same text functions now, but I have intense muscle memory with Illustrator when it comes to text and type. Often I'll do all of my text layout with a to-scale image of the illustration in question as a background layer in Illustrator, then export a .PNG with transparency and place that over my map graphics in Photoshop before applying layer effects.

  4. #4
    Guild Artisan Turambar's Avatar
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    This is a really nice map. I especially love your forests and location icons. The dragon compass is also a magnificent touch. My only very minor critique, is that the lettering would look even better if you added some wear to it, so that it match the worn paper texture of the rest of the map.

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