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  1. #1

    Post CC3 Question

    I've created a world map, which I posted here quite some time ago, however, now I'm wanting to go back and make maps of each of the individual continents. My question is this: Is it possible to simply copy that continent off of the world map, and past it into it's own map, or do I have to start from scratch and just redraw it all from the begining?

  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    Yes, its possible...I believe you can actually do a copy and paste, but what I usually do is cut out all the stuff I don't want and save it as a separate file...then I open up my new map template and do an insert lets me place the continent wherever I want.
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  3. #3
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    I'll second Arcana's advice. This is the way I would do it as well. It gives you the most control, and you'll probably want a separate file anyway to link to from the larger world map.

    Also, instead of doing the insert file you could simply do a Save As... and save it with a new name, cut out all the stuff you don't want to deal with and then go for it.
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  4. #4


    Hi Koor,

    What you want to do is *right* click on the copy button on the left side, select Copy to Clipboard from the drop down menu list of copy commands, select the continent (and anything on it) you want to copy to the new map, left click and select Do It, move the cursor to a point somewhere in the center of the continent and left click again (this gives you a central point for when you paste it into the new map). Create a new map from a template that meets your needs, and in that new map select the Edit Menu and then Paste. Click on the new map where you want everything you copied to appear (your central point from above will correspond to where you click in the new map). Everything you copy over should have the exact same properties as the original map (sheet, layer, colors, line widths, fill styles etc.).

    On a semi-related note, there's a tutorial PDF available on Profantasy's Web site about creating smaller area maps from larger area maps:

    Hope that helps.

    Edit: I had used the word "select" once above (which implies a mouse click in CC3) incorrectly - I changed it to "move the cursor".

  5. #5


    Wow, thanks guys! I'll try this out when I get home. My previous attempts to simply cut and paste had been met with a message saying there was nothing in my clipboard. I'm assuming Jaerdaph's method will fix this.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Koor
    My previous attempts to simply cut and paste had been met with a message saying there was nothing in my clipboard. I'm assuming Jaerdaph's method will fix this.
    Yeah, IIRC, most of the copy commands in CC only work within the current map. The Copy to Clipboard command lets you work between maps and between other programs. Let me know if you have any problems or questions and I'll see if I can help.

    Edit: I just double checked - the default command when you left click the Copy button in CC3 is Copy in Drawing, which only allows you to copy and paste something within the current map. Right clicking on the Copy button brings up a list of all the Copy-related commands to select from.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by jaerdaph
    Hi Koor,
    What you want to do is *right* click on the copy button on the left side, select Copy to Clipboard from the drop down menu list of copy commands, select the continent (and anything on it) you want to copy to the new map, left click and select Do It, move the cursor to a point somewhere in the center of the continent and left click again (this gives you a central point for when you paste it into the new map). Create a new map from a template that meets your needs, and in that new map select the Edit Menu and then Paste. Click on the new map where you want everything you copied to appear (your central point from above will correspond to where you click in the new map). Everything you copy over should have the exact same properties as the original map (sheet, layer, colors, line widths, fill styles etc.).
    Just wanted to say this was one of the most useful tips I've ever seen for CC (and it works for CC2, which is what I'm still using). Thanks, jaerdaph!

  8. #8
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    Post Similiar Issue

    I'm trying to resolve a similar issue. I have a world map, from which I'm trying to create smaller, regional maps. I tried using the Copy to Clipboard option, but whenever I attempt to paste the contents of the clipboard to a new map template, it does not work. Instead of pasting the part of my map I selected, it pastes some text I had copied much earlier.

    I'm actually trying to copy a small section of a very large continent, not an entire continent. I'm wondering if by trying to copy a part of a large entity (the continent) I'm confusing CC3 somehow?

    I may just try to create a copy of the world map and delete everything outside of the area I want to detail. Is there any way to select this area and delete everything outside of it with one command?

    I hope my questions aren't too arcane!
    Last edited by tjp123; 02-18-2008 at 12:33 PM. Reason: mispelling!
    - Tom!

  9. #9
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjp123 View Post
    I'm trying to resolve a similar issue. I have a world map, from which I'm trying to create smaller, regional maps. I tried using the Copy to Clipboard option, but whenever I attempt to paste the contents of the clipboard to a new map template, it does not work. Instead of pasting the part of my map I selected, it pastes some text I had copied much earlier.

    I'm actually trying to copy a small section of a very large continent, not an entire continent. I'm wondering if by trying to copy a part of a large entity (the continent) I'm confusing CC3 somehow?

    I may just try to create a copy of the world map and delete everything outside of the area I want to detail. Is there any way to select this area and delete everything outside of it with one command?

    I hope my questions aren't too arcane!
    Make sure on you map, you have all sheets/layers etc shown you want to copy, and unthawed.

    Then, right click on the COPY icon, choose COpy to Clipboard and then click/drag the selection window to select everything you want to copy.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeonKnight View Post
    Make sure on you map, you have all sheets/layers etc shown you want to copy, and unthawed.
    Thank you Neon! I'll try your suggestion when I get home later.

    By the way, what exactly do you mean by "unthawed"?
    - Tom!

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