The Island Nation of Othman is a small cluster of islands situated somewhere in the northern hemisphere of a large planet. It has a climate similar to Iceland, but it is quite a bit smaller. The largest island, Termya, is roughly 6 miles wide and 9 miles long. It sits on a shelf (like the Bahamas), so the waters immediately surrounding the islands are no more than 80 feet deep in most places, making it ideal for small boat fishing.
Each of the islands is slightly different, offering an amazingly wide variety of landscapes in a small area. Seria is a fertile forested island with many large rock formations (including caves!). Termya's northern half is low and beachy, with large areas of tall grass meadows, while its southern half rises steadily up to a lichen-covered rocky plateau which ends in a 70 foot cliff. The three lower islands, Ishra, Hyera and Eistera (together called the Lower Polidjans) are low islands with thin forests at their centers. Hyera is the lowest of the three, and is muddy and often flooded.
At the moment, I think it has a 1950's middle-school pulldown map feel, which is cool, but I'm ultimately headed in a different direction. I'd like to play around with textures, something I haven't done much of, and create a detailed landscape with "bird's eye" realism.
I'm not sure about the island shapes themselves, however. Specifically Seria. I'm thinking that it looks too much like a blown apart volcanic island, which is not what the Othman islands are, and that may be because I've got them arranged in a semi circle and Seria has that caldera-like bay. I'd like Seria to be a narrow, cresent-shaped island, but maybe I need to be thinking cresent roll, not cresent moon
I'm hoping that the scale will give me the opportunity to get into a good amount of detail, but that might need to include adding more streams, especially to Hyera.