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Thread: Xara Xtreme Map-Making

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  1. #1

    Map Xara Xtreme Map-Making

    Being different than most map-makers, and self-taught using software not intended for map-making.

    I own both CC3 and Dundjinni, but find the former to complex and difficult to learn (not user friendly at all), and the latter as a clumsy tool for map making.

    The reason I use Xara Xtreme is because it is a full graphics application - I use it for web graphics, PDF book creation, RPG maps, logo design, sign design, etc.

    When you place a mountain or tree in either CC3 or Dundjinni, you can't really go back later and make a change, unless you "undo, undo..." your way back to the object, and subsequently destroy everything you created after that object.

    With Xara Xtreme, I can go back to the first object I created, rotate it, enlarge or delete without affecting the rest of the map.

    Anyway, I've included a page on my site to show you samples of three terrain maps I've created using Xara Xtreme - check it out if you like!

    There's a link to a free trial download of Xara Xtreme, plus I've included to tutorial I created using Xara for map-making.

    Oh Mr. Admin - I'm posting another link, but this one is just for pics...

  2. #2


    Yup, I am increasingly preferring my vector app (Serif Drawplus - which looks a lot like Xara Xtreme) to my paint app (PSP). I now tend to do most (if not all) of my work in Serif and add finishing touches in PSP. As you say, it is so much easier to make corrections and changes with vector apps. One day I hope to graduate to Illustrator but I find Serif Draw+ so easy and intuitive to use, it'll be a while yet.

  3. #3

    Default IMHO - Illustrator is not an upgrade

    Adobe Illustrator, although the "industry standard" for years and years, especially for professional graphics work - is a program I have, have used, and don't use anymore. IMHO - Illustrator sucks.

    Don't get me wrong its feature rich - but if you're familiar with say creating bevels in Photoshop, its not too hard, but its a multi-step process. With Serif or Xara its a one-two step process.

    Don't knock Serif or Xara because of the extremely low prices.

    Adobe products are priced way out of reality.

    Don't think you need to graduate to Illustrator - in fact, it more like getting a demotion than a graduation. Just my honest opinion.

  4. #4
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    Adobe Illustrator, although the "industry standard" for years and years, especially for professional graphics work - is a program I have, have used, and don't use anymore. IMHO - Illustrator sucks....Don't think you need to graduate to Illustrator - in fact, it more like getting a demotion than a graduation. Just my honest opinion.
    Ouch! While I agree that the price of the Adobe products are ridiculous (they have set the cost at the demand & it seems to work for them, though silly for home users). But the people at whom these applications are aimed are industry professionals, meaning they are staking their very livelihoods on the functionality of these programs. If they were as poor as you suggest, these people would surely jump ship ASAP & find something else that works better, especially if the cost is lower.

    That being said, your assessment may be valid for the casual user or simply the graphics aficionado (of which I am one), but even then I would say the Adobe "knock offs" (such as GIMP and Inkscape) would be a more apt solution if (and only if) one has the time and patience to fight up the learning curve. Look at the Guild here, for example: almost without exception the best maps utilize one of these programs (for post-work touch-up at the very least).

    I am not knocking Serif or Xera here at all, for I'm sure they're great programs; just offering a little tempering of the vehemence of your criticism.

    Take care!
    Last edited by RPMiller; 08-08-2007 at 12:15 PM.
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  5. #5

    Post I base my opinion on actual pro experience

    I base my opinion regarding Illustrator on the fact that I am a professional graphics designer. I've been working graphic design since 1981. I've been using digital graphics software since 1989. I've used Illustrator versions 7 - 10 over 6 years of use.

    They were the only show in town so they could charge premium prices. Being long established they can maintain their price range. Which doesn't mean the price is justified - especially now since there are so many high quality vector based applications out there.

    Really, the best software is whatever works best for you. If you've never tried Illustrator and are working with a budget - look at Xara Xtreme or Serif DrawPlus, long before spending $500+ for illustrator.

    If you love Illustrator, that's great! Its just I don't love Illustrator - not at all.

  6. #6


    My wife works with lots of creatives in her job and I was amazed at how many professionals use Serif products in preference to or in conjunction with the 'big boys'. For me, the biggest advantage that Illustrator and PS have is that virtually every magazine or book that's published which deals with that type of application is written for PS, Illustrator and Painter users.


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