I was thinking of a way to work a space based science fiction map into the challenge, so my first thought was the "Heinlein Maneuver" where you drop some very large rocks on any planet that you don't like. (In space it's very important to have the "high ground.") Then I thought, well what if we dropped some comets on Venus and terraformed it...
I don't know if that defeats the spirit of the challenge, since in this case dropping big rocks (or balls of ice) on the planet is a good thing, well from our perspective. The Venusian warrior women probably wouldn't like it. But this is what I've come up with so far. Now only if I can figure out a good way to show some craters left behind from the bombardment. So far I've been assuming that you'd drop them on the area that would become the ocean so they wouldn't show.
### Latest WIP ###