My first attempt to build a 1" scale map using PS 7. I hope you like. I will print and use in a D&D campaign.
My first attempt to build a 1" scale map using PS 7. I hope you like. I will print and use in a D&D campaign.
Nice work, and soma rather familiar rope bridges there
I like how you've done this. I usually object to emboss and bevel effects but you've done a good job keeping that subtle here. I'd possibly tone down the water a little, but otherwise good stuff.
Perhaps some wall shadows?
Of course I visited your site and pulled down some freebies. I also bought a bunch of your work from RPGNow. Love the Dragon's Lair.
My PS skills are very limited. I have no idea how to add wall shadows the way I can imagine them. Water is bright! I will see what I can do about that.
So you think I should have a key or just let people fill in for themselves?
You're very welcome to use the map elements. That's what they're there for, and I'm glad you like the Dragon's Lair!
What kind of wall shadows are you after? If it's something like the shadows in the Dragon's Lair then there's a tutorial on the making of that map being serialised over on the newbieDM at the moment. As luck would have it, the most recent one deals with wall shadows
It's pretty straightforward to do the same in PS. Basically set up a new transparent layer. Get your walls as a selection. In PS you need to go one more step - Go to the paths dialogue and click make work selection from path.
Now that you have a path, you can hit the stroke path with brush button (also in the paths dialogue). As long as you have a low opacity brush with a large size and lots of jitter you'll get nice irregular wall shadows. Repeat with smaller and smaller brushes to build up some nice shadows. Place a layer mask on the layer to make sure you don't have any shadows on the walls themselves. Finally play with your blend modes until you're happy - I find that soft light and a little multiply work well. Hope that helps!
I only have CS4 so some of those steps may not work. Let me know how it goes and we should be able to find another PS 7 person to help identify where the relevant commands are.
As for the water, possibly just drop the opacity a little?
With the key, is this a player handout at the table? If so I'd avoid a key because that can give away the contents of your dungeon.
Nice little map, keep 'em coming.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
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