How cool! I love the beautiful color palette - rich, but not overwhelming. The lettering is well done, generally quite readable (and thus usable) even at the small sizes. The varying colors for the mountains also keep it fresh, avoiding the "I dropped a bunch of symbols over here" look that is the hallmark of my own maps. =P Lastly, I like how you've called out the mountain passes - clearly this map was made for merchants and travelers, amongst others.
One question: is "Desrt of Doom" a typo or does it simply use "creative spelling" (another hallmark of mine, I'm afraid). Looks like whatever it is snuck in to the "Pricipality of Motem", "Anthin Mountians", and "Nirs Mountians" as well. They're all in the same region, so maybe it's just a local thing....
The only thing I would change would be to increase the size and maybe color of the scale bar in the lower left of the map. It's so wee I almost missed it.
Otherwise, you've created a fantastic map that I could personally spend hours perusing and winnowing out the delectable nuances thereof.
Thanks for sharing!