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Thread: Maximum Attachment Size?

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  1. #1

    Question Maximum Attachment Size?

    What is the maximum size allowed for a file attachment to a post (specifically a ZIP file)? In a day or so I'm going to have a very large zip file (aproximately 25 mb) containing the forest fill styles I've been working on in this thread:

    In the event that this can't be attached, can anyone recommend a free hosting site for files of this size? I know my Web site won't be able to handle it, and I don't want to use up TCG's resources by doing this without asking for permission first.

    JUST ADD HEROES An ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying Game Blog by Joe "jaerdaph" Bardales

  2. #2
    Guild Member
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    Sep 2007


    Unless it is different for you... I see ZIP uploads here can be a max of: 4.77 MB.

    However, I would be willing to host the file if you need a place to store it. I have some resources to spare. I've offered free hosting at a different site and nobody has taken the offer, so I figured I'll offer it here.

    I've been hosting people's downloads for a couple of years and my site has been online for a number of years (2000), and as long as I stay within my allotment I have no problem hosting the file. Some other files I'm hosting are far larger than 25MB.

    Plus, unlike a lot of other free hosting sites, the user doesnt have to jump through a ton of hoops to get the file nor look at a million ads.

    If you're interested, I'll send you a link where to upload the file.

    Mods and admins... Sorry if this post is inappropriate and if it is I apologise.

  3. #3
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    No Worries MGC...As for the file...feel free to contact me off-site or through PM and we can arrange for you to upload the file to me and I'll put it on the site...I have no problem with large files, I just limit the attachments size to avoid abuse.
    Fantaseum (

    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  4. #4


    Thanks, MGCJerry and Arcana! I forgot the file attachment max sizes were listed on the manage attachments dialog box when you add an attachment.

    I should have the file soon, Arcana - I just need to finish writing the ReadMe.txt. This week I got showered with a lot of consutling projects, so I'm swamped for a couple of days. Gotta pay those bills.
    JUST ADD HEROES An ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying Game Blog by Joe "jaerdaph" Bardales

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