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Thread: Continent WIP and experimenting

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  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice SkarValidus's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Wip Continent WIP and experimenting

    So I'm very new here (haven't even posted before), but I have read a few tutorials, notably on coastlines, waves, and texturing, and I thout to myself: "Self, you should put this up on the CGuild to get some critique before you continue!"

    So, please be merciless in your observations. I know that it looks particularly rugged (although it's not supposed to. I may lower the opacity and contrast of the mountain layers) and there are not enough rivers. That I may also fix. Otherwise, I plan to turn this into a more muted and old-looking map, and adding roads, cities, trade routes, political boundaries, and so forth. Also, keep in mind that I am very new to mapmaking, so please explain your criticisms (or commendations) fully!

    Thank-you and farewell!

    PS: The attatchment system is confusing me, so forgive me if I need to edit a few times to get it right... I do dearly hope editing one's posts is possible...
    Last edited by SkarValidus; 02-16-2010 at 12:23 PM. Reason: spelling error

  2. #2
    Guild Member TheMarcus7's Avatar
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    South Bay Area, CA


    I like it so far! You've come up with a nice color scheme. Monster volcanic archipelago action from the looks of it. You may be in line for some flack from the River Police because there are places where rivers make some odd choices, and places where lakes are REALLY close to ocean but don't connect for some reason. I picture that most of your lakes connect to the ocean via underground passages perhaps?

    Currently using Photoshop CS3, GIMP, MapTool, and planning to try Inkscape, Illustrator and Wilbur "real soon now."
    Running and playing as much 4e as I can.
    All work I post here and refer to as "mine" can be used under this Creative Commons license

  3. #3
    Guild Apprentice SkarValidus's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Hehe, yeah, my lake choice was moderately random (sadly). I think I placed the lakes midway through my elevation mapping process, because I wasn't sure about the science behind it. I also tried to put the rivers in logical places... I suppose I need practice there. Anyway, thanks for the comments, I'll keep them in mind for my next map.
    I'm new here. Don't kill me, please!.

  4. #4
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    I really like the way it's set up actually, and the underground channels and river system would be a great explanation for an area like this.

    I wouldn't say use that idea on every map out there, but there are some strange things out there, why not make a map that includes some for once

    My finished maps
    "...sometimes the most efficient way to make something look drawn by hand is to simply draw it by hand..."

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