So I'm very new here (haven't even posted before), but I have read a few tutorials, notably on coastlines, waves, and texturing, and I thout to myself: "Self, you should put this up on the CGuild to get some critique before you continue!"
So, please be merciless in your observations. I know that it looks particularly rugged (although it's not supposed to. I may lower the opacity and contrast of the mountain layers) and there are not enough rivers. That I may also fix. Otherwise, I plan to turn this into a more muted and old-looking map, and adding roads, cities, trade routes, political boundaries, and so forth. Also, keep in mind that I am very new to mapmaking, so please explain your criticisms (or commendations) fully!
Thank-you and farewell!
PS: The attatchment system is confusing me, so forgive me if I need to edit a few times to get it right... I do dearly hope editing one's posts is possible...