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Thread: Krogersdorf - warriors village

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  1. #1

    Wip Krogersdorf - warriors village

    This is a town map I made for use in my Roleplay campain .

    I made an Regional map first you can see :

    It isnt uberly detailed , just enough to depict a village with palisade , and in the center a fortified stone tower where the villagers fall back into when there village is besieged and they have to retreat form the pallisade .

    basically the idea is based on an old military tactic where they used trenches to form a battle front and the enemy sets up to overwhelm these defenses , usualy resulting in heavy losses in the ratio of 6-8 to 1 , these losses were deemed suitable, in old times combat. When the defenders are just about to be overrun they ditch there first line of defense for an even more fortified defense line. in open field combat this fall back and defend can be done multiple times, in town / castles to so much ... but the basic principle is the same .. you inflict allot of losses to the attacker and lower there moral considerably each time :p

    anyway .. so much for the military lesson :p ... its gona be used in the roleplay and seeing as distance is an abstract in the roleplay I don't need it to be on scale. Just so my players have an idea of the general area of the town and so i can depict more then just a summary with locations :p ...

    anyways ... here it is :p comments & suggestions r welcome
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  2. #2
    Guild Member Najmir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Sydney, Australia


    Nice result. A few odd corner buidings, as a result of the techniques you have used, but for your intended purpose can be overlooked. As far as a map goes the numbers alone dont mean much. One would assume you have a separate sheet with those details.

    The map is resonably plain i would look at working up the text with some effects a dark glow around the white tags.


  3. #3


    idd , still have to name those buildings ^^ and fish out the few weird shapes

    still trying to get a text format small enough to fit the test in the upper right corner ... but PS doesnt want to go under 6 size and thats wya to huge

  4. #4
    Guild Adept Yandor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    So for the placement of the houses, did you use Zombie Nirvana's Building placement vid tutorial?
    WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...

    Back Burner :: World Map

    Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!

  5. #5


    indeed I did , Its nice and quick , low on details though . but thats now what i was aiming for

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