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Thread: Underground Wizard's Smithy

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  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice Pablo Diablo's Avatar
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    Wip Underground Wizard's Smithy

    Sooo... First map posted!

    This was something I started quite a few months ago, trying to use a new style (PS layers w/ effects). It could use some more finishing (furniture, etc), but I'm interested to hear what people think about how it turned out, and how I could improve other projects in the future.

    I will post one of the current maps that I'm working on next (A townhouse w/ small courtyard) in the hope that I can continue to update the thread as I complete the map... My other current map (an island rich world map) will go up when it is fleshed out a little more.

    The attached map started out as a musing on earth wizards and the creation of magic items. The wizard in question discovered a magical spring, and forming his own reclusive domicile hidden in the mountainside, tapped it with a well, in order to use its properties to quench his magical creations....

    Someone might be called to investigate the sudden drying up of the spring, or stumble across one of the wizard's lackeys, or be summoned by the wizard to perform a task for him, or....

    It was just a test, anyways!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    First off, welcome to the Guild! And after seeing your first map, I can tell this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship!

    I really have no major suggestions for your map--especially if it was just a test piece. Were I to find things, they would be very nitpicky, and mainly center on the realism you seem to attempt to create. For example, the floor and the wall textures are just a little too "regular"--not enough eye interest to strike one as authentic. The walls are also a bit too symetrical (and straight) to feel realistic. Again, not that these things are "wrong" with your map, just suggestions.

    As for design, if it is a wizard, would he have a magical commode?

    Great first post! I'm already excited about your additional maps.
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    "Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by pyrandon View Post

    As for design, if it is a wizard, would he have a magical commode?
    I guess that's another use for a bag of holding!

    Great map, Pablo, but like Don, for me, the rectilinear walls look a little out of place. I particularly enjoyed the glow from the fire.

  4. #4


    As Ravs pointed out the fire glow is a nice touch. The lighting is really consistent from room to room, except there, which jumped out until I realized it was the fire glow.

    Is the bevel highlight colour white? IF so , try changing it to a hue that matches the feel of the map, because on the one table it stands out for some reason (and I am speculating it is the colour)
    -Rob A>
    Last edited by RobA; 10-10-2007 at 01:06 PM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    I guess that's another use for a bag of holding!
    Eeeww... I am having all kinds of evil GM thoughts now.

    Lots of nice details, like the ropes on the buckets. You might want to find a way to indicate which direction the doors open. My group tends to use doors very tactically, so I always need to know which way they swing.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  6. #6
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Watching you from in here


    They swing both ways, baby...

    What? It is a wizard's abode after all.
    Bill Stickers is innocent! It isn't Bill's fault that he was hanging out in the wrong place.

    Please make an effort to tag all threads. This will greatly enhance the usability of the forums.

  7. #7
    Guild Apprentice Pablo Diablo's Avatar
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    Hmmmm... Some good points!

    I'll give the bevel hue a shot -I was already using hued bevels for the fire glow, but don't think I used them on the other tables. What I tend to do (now) is use a bevel that is the color of the light in the space (cool for daylight, warm for fire) and then give it an overlay or other layer blending style...

    Commode... Ah, yes. VERY necessary, and a definite "oopsie!".
    (And I'd hate to get THAT bag of holding in random treasure... Or be the peon assigned to emptying it out!)

    As for doors - another good point, and something I should've thought of!

    Thanks for the constructive criticisms! I have a few more finished/semi-finished maps to throw up that may duplicate a few of these mistakes, but I'll include that stuff in the ones that I'm working on next...


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