The Wind-gnome town of Gnomsulost
Allright, first of all, this map is part of my D&D campaign. And since one of my players is a member here too: there may be some spoilers for him in this topic. So Matrim, read at your own risk
Some explanation about this town for the other people on this forum is appropriate though. This map will be the follow up from my last map: ‘Oostangelt en de Verboden Pas’, and this time, I’ll do a WIP too!
[Matrim spoiler warning]
This map is about a town the players are looking for. It is a wind-gnome town. These wind-gnomes are not elemental, in fact, they’re just regular gnomes, but they love kites, wind, birds, and general flying, which earned them a separate name. These Wind-Gnomes live in separate towns, and where once renowned for maintaining a transport route ‘over the mountains of the Forbidden Pass’. The players are to check if this is still the case, and use that method to travel to the Dwarven country of Khaz Dukar.
The ‘transportation method’ in question happens to be a dirigible, and a rather large one. In fact, it’s a converted sea going ship, but it now flies. It has a magical-mechanical-hybrid propulsion system, and actually flies using magical ‘gas bottles’. This strange alchemical gas makes you talk weirdly when it is inhaled, and is a bit like helium, but probably even lighter since the balloon would have to be way bigger than I've currently envisioned it. It is controlled by means of ‘fly-by-rope’ lever and wheel control interface.
The town is built around a good location to launch and store the ships. The ships actually land on a building. The entire top section (including two hangars) of this huge building can rotate. Around this building the Wind-Gnomes built their settlement.
The site of the town itself was dug out by the Dwarves, who carved out and levelled the plateaus on which the town and harbour are situated. The town was expanded twice, and is walled. Those walls where also built by the Dwarves.
[/Matrim spoiler warning]
Since pictures say more than a thousand words: the third picture is a situational sketch. Nothing is final, it’s just a concept.
The second picture shows what I made in the first instance, but that’s leave-carrying trees (is foliage forest even a correct English word? I couldn’t find a word for it in the dictionary). I need coniferous forest… so I took a snapshot in Google Earth of some Canadian forest, and made that into a texture, I roughed up the edges a bit using a big chalk-brush, and that’s the second picture. I think I’m going with the second, but I’d like some opinions on this. I personally think the illusion of height is decent enough, but maybe you guys have a little suggestion ^_^
P.S. Is there any way to influence the order of the attachments?