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  1. #1

    Link Photorealistic maps

    Over in the monthly challenge forum, Mapprinter said:

    I hadn't seen too many maps in true photorealistic style, and I wondered if a mapper could make it work
    So I figured I'd point you all over to the Dundjinni user map forum.

    In my opinion, this is exactly the type of map DJ is designed to make easy to create...Photorealistic battlemaps for print or VTT use.

    -Rob A>

    P.S. Pretty much everything there is at 200px=5ft

  2. #2
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    I concur! I've done a fair amount of tokens and objects for their forums and I'm continually impressed by the work that others do in the area of photorealism. Of course a lot of it is being done with Poser, D|S, and Bryce as well so that definitely contributes to the realism.
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  3. #3
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    I try to do battlemap scale work that tends towards photo realism. I have nagging concerns when I post stuff like my entry for the October challenege, that there is a tension between photo-realistic battlemaps and the concept of mapping in the true sense. Its really and esoteric question, "I like your map but is it a map?". I suppose I just wondering whether its actually cartography. Dont get me wrong I love the stuff and will continue doing it, and I hope others will too, but I would love to hear the sage advice of the community elders on this point.

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  4. #4

    Info I have Dundjinni and dabble with it

    I have Dundjinni and I do dabble with it, its just that lots of things it can do, I can do with Xara, and lots of things with Xara, I can't do with Dundjinni.

    That said, I know the cartographers (shared a booth at Gencon with them) at Gamemaster Syndicate, Dundjinni is the primary mapping program they use and doing phenominal work - I know, I've printed them in large format.

    Often using 3D tools to create "roof tops" and such as map objects to bring into Dundjinni. So I know its a great tool.

    One issue, when creating a transition between terrains layers of transparent filled areas were used to create a blend (not sure if this work was done in Dundjinni or not) - but this is lots of work.

    With Xara, I create a polyline object and fill with the different terrain image fill than the background grass or whatever. Although a vector drawing program Xara allows me to apply a feathered edge onto the vector object and instantly create the transition between terrain fills.

    Plus I've been using Xara for almost 3 years now, and Dundjinni for about 3 months.

    And the upright statues used in the "temple transformation" monastery entry, were Athena statues I downloaded from the Dundjinni user forum - so I'm already familiar.

    When I say, I haven't seen many photorealistic maps, I should clarify and say, I did not even know the existence or concept of battlemaps until March of this year. Although internet savvy for many years, I never explored the RPG community online ever until this year.

    My gaming group play round the table, toss the dice. We don't even use maps. We have a sheet of acrylic, with 1 inch grid paper, I printed placed under and a grease pencil to draw the map in black in white, live while playing. There isn't even a PC (personal computer, not player character)in the same room where we play. The idea of looking for something different let alone getting involved in the industry directly, never occured to me, until very recently. So I never heard of Dundjinni until April (?) 2007.
    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 10-16-2007 at 01:50 AM. Reason: clarification
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  5. #5
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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    To me, PhotoRealistic maps have a big Pro/Con to them (yes, this coming from a guy who makes the nice Cartoony CC3 maps).

    The pro is this:

    Players LUV, abosolutely LOVE THEM!. Plop one down for that climatic battle, and they go gaa-gaa over them.

    The Con is that GMs are not especially happy with them. As a GM, I want to see the map of the encounter with as little fluff as possible. Show me the room, where the doors are, the items of note (chests, barrels, etc), but as a GM when looking at my adventure notes, I don't really care about the broken tile on the floor infront of the altar that is cracked and crumbling on the left side (does it say that in the adventure key?)

    This is why when I finish with my Map Challenge for October for the Monastery, I will be providing a few versions of the map. One the CC3 photorealistic style, and the second a more hand drawn-style, less visually demanding map. For both Camps.
    Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User

    Never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice!

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    MY 'FAMOUS' CC3 MAPS: Thunderspire; Pyramid of Shadows; King of the Trollhaunt Warrens; Demon Queen's Enclave

  6. #6


    I can't agree with you more, Daniel!

    The other big problem I have with printed photorealistic battle-maps is that they "load" the scene for players.

    If there is a table drawn, they assume it is just set dressing and will ignore it. Same for (as an example) dead bodies. I ran a brief adventure that involved reanimated corpses. My problem was, do I include the bodies, or not? If they animate, then they still show. Same for things like, doors, walls (I have destructive players) and other inanimate objects.

    Here is another one. A wizard throws a fireball through a door without looking. Now most of the stuff in the room is incinerated....BUT the map I had drawn shows all sorts of things that I had in the room...including some items that were hints to the adventure. Do I throw out the map now?

    Even lighting effects. If I have a dark, gloomy dungeon, it isn't once my players light it up like the 4th of July.

    I think the future for these detailed maps is in the VTT realm, where objects (stamps, whatever) can be moved around, replaced, etc.

    -Rob A>

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