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Thread: Handdrawn maps project: Westeros

  1. #11
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Thats some impressing Handwork here!

  2. #12
    Guild Apprentice Eochaid's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Paris, France


    Hello everyone,

    it took time, but it is finally done... I present to you, the map of the Bay of Seals. It should roughly overlap with the first map, "Beyond the Wall".


    The next step will most likely be the Bay of Ice (yes, I'm into bays these times...), but I think I'll do some other projects in the mean time: I'm preparing an Ars Magica campaign, and that means of course a few maps... I already posted a map here, but I'm bound to draw it again (I did some more research, and there are some errors and missing elements...), and add a few other maps. So don't worry if the next one takes some time to come.

    Thanks to - Max - for the rep, it gave me the little nudge necessary to finish this map...

    As always, feel free to comment and give some advice!
    Last edited by Eochaid; 01-17-2013 at 02:39 PM.

  3. #13
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor - Max -'s Avatar
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    Dec 2012


    Nice effort there though, after having looked at your maps several times that moutains looks a bit odd to my eyes and I really think that terrains could get more work - more than white areas

    Keep up the good work

  4. #14
    Guild Journeyer Freehand 5.5's Avatar
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    Your lineart should be more disciplined, but I think this will come with more exercise.
    Perhaps you should use a better pen to get more precision to your lines.

    And I must admit, I don't like the mountains. It would be better to get them a bit of perspective and shading.

    My advice would be, not to start with a complete map with hours of work, but first do some trying out on a scrap paper.
    Did you try a few variation concept of mountains before you started? For me it looks more like taking the first idea you got.

    Despite this, i like your project though.
    The black lettering is very nice, too. One can see that you're a skilled scribe.

  5. #15
    Guild Apprentice Eochaid's Avatar
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    Paris, France


    Thanks for your advice.

    The idea behind this project was to have a lot of drawing to do, to be able to improve by repetition, and to allow myself some experiment in the process --- I have some difficulties drawing just to experiment... I lack the whole image when drawing on scrap paper, and I don't like working "for nothing". I'll have to be a little harder on myself.

    As for the precision of the lines, I did try to draw this map quite quickly (to see how it went... mountains and forests were drawn in little more than 1 hour. I was a little more careful of coasts and labels, but i doubt more than 4 hours went into this one)... so I guess this shows. The scan is on 600dpi, though, so the resolution is perhaps a bit too much and details too visible --- the original is drawn on a A4 sheet. But you are completely right. My pens are quite used (and misused), too! I should change them someday.

    Anyway, thank a lot for the feedback, it means a lot to me. The next map will build on this, and we'll hopefully have some better mountains and lines!

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