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Thread: A map for a videogame modding [Will pay with a videogame]

  1. #11
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
    That one is Tear's. The WIP thread is here:
    And yes, it is awesome.
    Sweet. Usually I only see big fat maps, that's one of the first long skinny one's I've seen. It reminds me of britannia a bit, from Ultima, which was my favorite game series.

    I wonder if he'd mind if I build a 3d map based off it....but I guess if it's based off a book it's probably copywrited or something already? I guess I could edit it enough to be different.

    Edit:: Also I made a big tutorial post a few days ago teaching how to make 3d maps in Blender and photoshop but it never made it through moderation...I spent several hours making all the pictures.....oh well....
    Last edited by lmbarns; 02-11-2013 at 03:20 PM.

  2. #12


    You should check Martin's fan art policy, if he has one. Most authors exercise voluntary ignorance toward matters of non-commercial fan art, although there are a few who outright disallow it and at least a couple who permit it under certain conditions.

    If it's the style you're most interested in, you could probably look to see if one of Pasis' maps carries a Creative Commons license that permits derivative work. He was the one who developed that style.

    As for the moderation thing, you're the second person today who's mentioned having a post caught in the mod queue. Maybe the community leaders need to be prodded about that. Hopefully there wasn't some bug in the forum that ate them…
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  3. #13
    Guild Novice
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
    You should check Martin's fan art policy, if he has one. Most authors exercise voluntary ignorance toward matters of non-commercial fan art, although there are a few who outright disallow it and at least a couple who permit it under certain conditions.

    If it's the style you're most interested in, you could probably look to see if one of Pasis' maps carries a Creative Commons license that permits derivative work. He was the one who developed that style.

    As for the moderation thing, you're the second person today who's mentioned having a post caught in the mod queue. Maybe the community leaders need to be prodded about that. Hopefully there wasn't some bug in the forum that ate them…
    Thanks, I was more interested in the shape. I'm making a little kids game where you tame/ride animals in an open world with 5 towns where you can compete in races and accept hauling jobs to haul materials to other towns.

    This is a little example of one I made from the britannia map in ultima online: myGame.jpg
    Last edited by lmbarns; 02-11-2013 at 04:35 PM.

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