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Thread: Lands of Fagacea

  1. #201
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    I like the idea of aplying an Brushed feel to the map. Great start!

  2. #202
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected aquarits's Avatar
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    this is a small progress coz i wanted to see how it will go.

    For the mao i still need small towns some forests and a lots of labels. Hope getting a japanese felling.
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  3. #203
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Its getting a japanese feeling but well, I am sorry to say so, but its a bit of a fake-japanese feel.
    I realy dont stick to those psydo-asian Latin Letters, which always looks horrible to me (I am an Asian so I am used to clichees about asian heritage)
    try look at 'real' japanese maps and paintings. Or woodcut prints. Also try to paint the mountains with a brush (a real one) and scan them, so you get a real japanese feeling for this kind of maps.

  4. #204
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Japanese Map of Afrika 1710 Look at this example.

  5. #205
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected aquarits's Avatar
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    Yes, you are right about the letters, i downloaded like 1 million of fonts trying to get one that i like and in the end i still not found one. Like i said, it is just to see the way that it will get. A lots of things to do in the land.
    Looking the map that you posted, its not about the curves of the elements... that vertical names that makes everything different. That boxes with names making the names looking plates saying "welcome to Tokio" give the different felling.
    i will keep trying search for a smooth font and try make it more close to a frame.

  6. #206
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected aquarits's Avatar
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    Just other test, check this.
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  7. #207
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Withoit the blue, it looks much better in my eyes. also the new fonts are way better than the ones befire

  8. #208
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected aquarits's Avatar
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    Here i go with some more progress. Was really hard to label all ths citys.
    I have 2 friends helping me with some translation to Roumaji and Hiragana, dunno if grammatically it is going right, but is looking nice. Btw i found 2 nice sites where can help if someone wants to do something like this:

    Japanese Kanji Dictionary
    Kanji Romaji Hiragana Convert

    I want to store here what i translated to make sure that i will not lost it follow in this sequence: Roumaji/ English/ Portuguese. For some towns i made some adaptations to not get names with 2/3 words.

    Shou's temple - The temple of the little - Templo do Pequeno
    Village Yoake - Village of Dawn - Vila da Aurora
    Doujou no Kyoudai - Dojo Brothers - Dojo dos Irmãos
    Gake Village - Cliffs Vilage - Vila do Penhasco
    Chiisama Minato - Small hHarbor - Porto Pequeno
    Shi Higashi - East Town - Cidade do Leste
    Ai's Temple - Temple of Love - Templo do Amor
    Dokuritsu - Independency City - Independencia
    Teikoku Toshi - The Imperial City - Cidade Imperial
    Minami Sei - South Fortune - Fortuna do Sul
    Hatonosu - Pigeons Nest - Ninho dos Pombos
    S h i t iairando - City Island - Cidade da Ilha ( edited coz of the word filter block)
    Kodoku - City of Looliness - Cidade da Solidão
    Chikaku Harbor - Nearby Harbor - Porto Proximo
    Ali Village - Village of Ants - Vila das Formigas
    Yama Kyuuden - Mointains Palace - Palacio das Montanhas
    Chiisana Mura - Small Village - Vila Pequena
    Burijj City- Bridge City - Cidade da Ponte
    Raisu - City of Rice - Cidade de Arroz
    Tochuu - Halfway - Meio Caminho
    Dainikyou - Second Bridge - Segunda Ponte
    Taiyou Shinden - Sun's sanctuary - Santuario do Sol
    Hirogari - Wilderness Town - Cidade Vasta
    Joubu Rinku - Upper Link - Elo Alto
    Fumoto - Foot Mountain Village - Pé da Montanha
    Engan - Coastal Village - Litoranea
    Sakura Harbor - Cherries Harbor - Porto das cerejas
    tamashii Sanctuary - Souls Sanctuary- Igreja das almas
    Kokkyou Kawa - River Side - Beira Rio
    Murakage - Citadel of Shadows - Cidadela das Sombras
    Rakuen - Paradise - Paraiso
    Kitarizoto - North Resort - Estancia Norte
    Harisaki - The Needle Tip - Ponta de Agulha
    Seinaru Kougen - Holy Plateau - Chapada Santa
    Koufu - Miners village - Mineiros
    Saikousai Temple - Supreme Temple - Templo Supremo
    Ataishi - Valent Sity - Cidade Valente

    Ooba zou - The statue of God Oba - Estauta de Oba

    Sakura Sora - Sakuradite

    The text in lower right side:

    The Mines have a very special ore, Sakuradite. Used in forges for weapons are able to create a league almost unbreakable. In the West a mineral with similar properties is used as focus magic. The difference between the two ores are basically, the Mantis is used as the magic and Sakuradite is used in metal alloy.
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    Last edited by aquarits; 05-04-2013 at 12:19 AM.

  9. #209
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor - Max -'s Avatar
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    You have a lot of empty space on the map and the title and keys looks like spread randomly everywhere. What don't you use all that space to organize the title and the keys into some kind of japanese-like cartouches?

  10. #210
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected aquarits's Avatar
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    well, dunno
    They aren't exactly keys, are just some observations about the clans and family in a map that will work like a picture in a frame. Compared with other maps that i found, didn't found many cartouches. I will not use keys cos the towns i draw representing the real form of the city, will not put this type of description, but i will think about it, since i am still working in how i will name the rivers and calculating the scale from my original map.
    But i am thinking in not use a cartouche and i am not understanding the "randomly" that you said.

    I am thinking in put a wooden frame outside the black space, but honestly dunno how to do it and how to start, almost asking to Bogie give me a idea. About name some areas, like give names for mountains, still cant find a type that fits with the plates that i used in towns, anything wrong if i just skip this and not name the places?

    PS: 3 pictures and nobody saw the typos in FAMILYS lol
    Last edited by aquarits; 05-04-2013 at 12:16 AM.

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