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Thread: As yet unamed fantasy continent

  1. #1

    Wip As yet unamed fantasy continent

    So this is my first proper foray into mapping of any kind. Eventually Im intending to use this as the setting for a tabletop game, but for now I'm just really enjoying the whole process.

    I started with a pencil and paper drawing, then proceeded to add base colour with watercolors and tea. In the end I decided to just use this as a base concept and began to convert it to a digital project.

    Map Simple.jpg

    First attempt at making a digital version resulted in the above, which is by no means finished (Still lacking cities, towns, ocean, river and island names etc), however I am surprisingly pleased with it considering its my first attempt at such a thing.

    Map wip .jpg

    I also began on a more atlas style view with help from the fantastic tutorial I found on this site. Again still a WIP but I think it could have turned out a lot worse.
    Please feel free to comment, give feedback, criticize or shout abuse, any tips or tricks/advise will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Nice work The coastlines look reasonable and the colours are nicely picked. A couple notes:

    - On the vegetation map the country borders look a little river-ish, and that tricked me into thinking the rivers were doing strange things.
    - You have one river (in Atha) seeming to originate in an area that I take to be desert or arid? Unless this is a seasonal river (i.e. usually dry except for when desert rains come through), it'd be unlikely to come out of a dry area like that perhaps
    - The sizes of the countries are all (fairly) similar with just one smaller country to the south (Caprona). Historical geopolitics tends to result in lots of different sized nations, with a few big empires (at any one time) and smaller nations slotted in around them. Maybe check out a book like The Times Historical Atlas of Europe and look through how the country borders move over time.

    Nice work. It'll be interesting to see where the map goes

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