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Thread: Anduri - The Capital City

  1. #1

    Wip Anduri - The Capital City

    Hey all, this is my first real map (and possibly my first post on the forums?)! I've done others that were nothing more than a few sketches to get my D&D players some context, and I've dabbled at some of the tutorials, but this is the first one I've done from scratch with a vision in mind.

    Done in Inkscape, this is intended to be the capital city in a new campaign I'm working on. There's a lot missing, I know, but I wanted to see what you all thought before I got too far into it.

    The goal is to present a map that my players can reference and say "we want to travel to the x quarter" or "let's visit the potion shop at #19" or whatever.

    So, thoughts?

    Map Test.png

  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Welcome to the Guild Melf. Nice start on the map. It will be good to see this develop.

    You will have some players who really use the map the way we all wish our players would and others who just float along and expect to be told where to go. Hopefully you have more of the first kind, but even if not, the map will give you a great reference tool.

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    San Francisco

    Default Ancient Inspiration

    An interesting start!

    I guess the first thing that jumps out at me is that I get a kind of Ancient Halicarnassus vibe, although I don't think you have mentioned the tech-level of this city. I would like to see more than one road into the city (Halicarnassus had at least 3 gates I think). I get the impression the harbor/docks will be an important area, and it would be nice to see something protecting the harbor (like an island with causeway, think Ancient Alexandria).

    Other than that, it is tough to critique without a little more context of what is going on, and a little more detail in the map itself. What else are you planning to do/add to this (what kind of style are you aiming for)?

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