Looks really professional imo.
Hello everyone, this month i've been playing with DEM data from a region of Mars, Candor Chasma. It was quite difficult to do a 3D map with this one, the latitude and longitude system on mars wasnt really easy to use for 3D renders but after a tought fight i figure how to do it
The relief is real, i've use data from here: https://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/
A few steps of the work:
1: extract data in qgis and export in a format photoshop can handle
2: rework the DEM with Wilbur to add some water erosion feeling
2: play with textures and colors in photoshop, the color varies depending on the altitude
3: put the photoshop render back in qgis and reproject it with mars coordinates (the hardest part)
4: create 3D renders with the DEM and the photoshoped map put on it
5: create a starfield background and some borders in photoshop/illustrator
I've tried to depict what mars could look like after a few centuries of terraforming.
Last edited by Francissimo; 02-01-2016 at 08:11 AM.
My Fantasy maps : http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=4205
Website: http://francoisgueydon.jimdo.com/fantasy/
Looks really professional imo.
My sites: http://www.facebook.com --- http://www.stormring.com --- http://www.fantasymaps.net --- http://www.megatongames.com --- http://www.darktowershop.com
My finished maps: here
I like this one. The part on the bottom has great feeling of depth. Nicely done.
Really cool concept.
I don't quite like the colors for a Mars map. They don't match with the Martian colors we see in rover images, either raw or corrected for white balance to make them seem more like the colors on Earth.
I'm wondering what "The Flooded One" is.
Latest complete maps: East Wickham | Oghura | The Cathedral Galaxy | Jezero
hand-drawn maps album | digital maps album | web site | blog
Thanks for the comments and the rep guys
Agree with you that the colors arent really what you can expect from a mars map here. That's because i wanted to play with bands of different colors depending on the altitude (and i'm not sure you can find that in the real candor chasma, real photos aren't colorfull so you can't really tell the actual color), so i take some liberty with the color of the floor. Second explanation could be that after a few centuries of terraforming, the nature of soils on Mars began to change, so as its color
And the flooded One is an ancient base, flooded by a young lake created during teraforming of mars.
My Fantasy maps : http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=4205
Website: http://francoisgueydon.jimdo.com/fantasy/
Doh! I forgot to comment, as it appears. Impressive and gorgeous map Francissimo! I particularly love the middle and down parts, the idea and the "martian colors and grainy feel". The star background is a bit off, though, in my opinion.
And damn, I can't give rep before 24h, but rest assured I will
Wow cool! I tried bringing some DEM data from Candor Chasma into Unreal Engine 3 a couple years ago, but I don't think it was even close to being this accurate looking. The problem with bringing satellite data into a first person engine, of course, is that there just isn't enough information for it to be convincing at ground level without a ton of additional work.
I like that you used some erosion, it's subtle but I think it really helps support what you were trying to depict.
Last edited by JustinSlick; 02-02-2016 at 10:11 PM.
Looks very nice, good job!