This is awesome!! I love those candles.
Thanks to everyone who participates in this community, and makes it what it is. A site's only as good as its users ... and we've got the best!
Here's a happy birthday greeting to the Guild and all its members.
I'd personally like to thank Robbie for starting this great Guild.
And to CLs past and present for keeping things going through those 10 years online - too many names.
And to all the map makers and members who have participated here or spread the word about us.
Without the members making maps and joining in - there would be no Guild.
Last edited by J.Edward; 04-20-2016 at 11:10 AM.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
This is awesome!! I love those candles.
Thanks to everyone who participates in this community, and makes it what it is. A site's only as good as its users ... and we've got the best!
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Happy birth day to youuuu ... happy birth day to youuuuu ...![]()
Happy birthday to all of us... and now I want cake![]()
I've spent sooo many happy hours, mapping and chatting with fellow cartographers, delving into foreign worlds and leaning a bit about nature along the way. (Rules are made to be broken)![]()
Very pleased when I was chosen to join the Community Leader many years ago and have gained many good friends through that and through the guild - meeting them on facebook, deviant art, and who knows - perhaps irl some day if I pass by the countries they live in. Even picked up a commission here at some point.
Now, after an almost 4 years (mostly) hiatus I'm back just in time to celebrate the guilds birthday and feeling the warmth and happiness of beginning to map again. I look forward to spending many more hours here during the journey towards the next round birthday of the guild.
Happy mapping everyone.![]()
regs tilt
:: My DnD page Encounter Depot free stuff for your game :: My work page Catapult ::
:: Finished Maps :: Competion maps - The Island of Dr. Rorshach ::
:: FREE Tiles - Compasses :: Other Taking a commision - Copyright & Creative Commons ::
Works under CC licence unless mentioned otherwise
10 years is a long walk on the internet. I'm glad the community still exists.
Happy birthday CG![]()
Thank you all so much for being a part of this site and this amazing community! I'm so glad it's been fruitful for so many and touched so many lives and crossed so many hobbies. I hope we can keep it around for many more years! Happy birthday Guild!!!
Yaay, cake! This community is amazing and I'm so thankful it exists. Wouldn't be where I am without it, and it's just always fun to browse the constant stream of content. So lively, so welcoming and encouraging. 10 years is indeed very long on the internet. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to the guild and every guilders. And a very big thanks to "father Robbie" and all "uncles and aunts" CLs for their dedication and hard work.
I'm very proud to be part of this community... and I've come such a long way thanks to everyone here. I'll probably still be around in 10 years![]()
Congratulations and Happy Birthday! And J.Edward... LOVE the map cake! I didn't notice the map on it at first, but that is really cool! I'd love to know how you made it sometime.
I'm still fairly new here, and I don't know many members... mostly just the ones that are also on the profantasy site. But You all seem to be a great bunch of people, and I look forward to getting to know everyone. And the maps here are a great source of inspiration!
Like a thief in the night
she comes with no form
yet tranquility proceeds
the accursed storm...
check out my new Deviant Art page!
Yep, the guild is almost as old as me... if I had joined when the guild first began I would have been making maps that looked like a five years old's (oh wait..![]()
). But seriously thanks to everyone in the guild for making such an awesome site to fit an awesome subject (obsession maybe?
) and thanks to everyone who has offered suggestions and advice, I think I've improved a lot the few months I've been here.
And you can't beat a cake like that. Fabulous.
The 502 error this morning, to remind us that it probably isn't quuuuuiite 10 years online, a little under considering the 502 error downtimes![]()