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Thread: Looking for a Collaborator for Making Maps of Cities in my World

  1. #1

    Help Looking for a Collaborator for Making Maps of Cities in my World

    Hey everyone, I have been working on a world for a while now and want to develop it as much as I can. I am however not that talented at making city maps, therefore I was wondering if anyone was interested in making maps of cities for a rich world that I have already created. I would of course give full creative liberty and would be super excited to see your take on my original notion. I have attached below a world atlas with biomes and then a geographic map with major cities for one of the continents, please let me know if you are interested.


  2. #2



    I actually think you are selling yourself short and maybe underestimating what you can do.

    These maps are great and I don't see anything from stopping you from gaining the level of skill necessary to make the city maps you envisage.

    Plus, I would guess that most people in the hobby like fleshing out their own worlds and it may be difficult to find someone willing to focus their work on someone elses IP

    Good job!

  3. #3
    Guild Expert ladiestorm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    North Carolina, USA


    There are people in this guild that do take commissions( paid and even unpaid sometimes), it really depends on what you want. There is a forum for mapmaking requests toward the bottom of the site. You might want to check it out.

    Speaking as someone who is currently in the process if making a city map (for my own campaign), I can tell you...making city maps are one of the most challenging and time consuming maps to make! I've been told they are also the most rewarding once completed( I wouldn't know, I haven't finished mine yet).

    One thing you could do, is take a look at all the city maps here in the guild, both WIP's, and finished maps. Determine what you like and don't like about each map. Decide what your cuties need, then take the plunge. Realize so.ething too... It doesnt have to be doesn't even have to be pretty. All your maps really.need to do is convey your locations into something they can understand and follow. Any visual reference will be helpful and appreciated!
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