I'd like to map all or part of 'Guild City'
I'd like to watch people trying to map 'Guild City'
This is a bad idea, please don't use it!
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Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
LIGHTRAY is here
Perhaps we can think of light as falling a bit like maybe 11 am or so...
casting just a bit of shadow passed buildings but not really long shadows.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Compass angle? Are we doing this as a standard 315 degrees direction (lit from the northwest like relief shading)
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
You have just confused me...
I think I would say... yes? but 315 degrees is throwing me off.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Like this...
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Never heard of 315 degrees angle...That must be some new dimension known only by Mouse
Btw. I have problems understanding the scale of the map, best for me that draw a sketch in 100% to show me building size.
Aaaah, yes
Though, seems off from the lightray
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Its the standard relief shading angle for hill shading. CC3 also applies this to global sun settings, which dictate which way the shadow of a building falls, since CC3 buildings interact with the global sun settings. This is from the opposite direction
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying