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Thread: [WIP] City of Vyrn

  1. #1

    Default [WIP] City of Vyrn

    Hi everyone

    I would like to share one of my projects with you. I started it sometimes in spring and I hope to finish it sometimes before Christmas.
    The city is located on one of the Continents of Nibirum, the World of the CC3 Community Atlas. It is almost as big as ancient Rome, with an area (within the city walls) of about 11 sqkm (water areas not included).
    At the moments I am working on the fields that surround the city. I make very slow progress, because I can't really work on it for more than probably an hour at a time.

    Once the map will be finished, it will be contributed to the Community Atlas so everyone can download and/or edit it for free (in compliance with the license).

    Vyrn XII.JPG

    I hope you like it.



  2. #2


    I still haven't gotten around to work more on this map. But I decided to run a test render at about 4k. I have not done this before on this map, because it took quite some time.
    You may spot some purple buildings, they have been added in the last session I worked on the map and have not yet been moved to the correct sheet.

    Although the map is currently displayed at around 4k, the final map is supposed to be in an even higher resolution.
    Vyrn XIV.JPG

  3. #3
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Just a quick question or two. I use CC3 alot and whenever I go to make a jpg or png of the map it has crappy resolution. I need to use jpg or png for Fantasy grounds and I was wondering how to get good resolutions? Also when making a map do you only use CC3 or do you use a photo editor like paint or that?

  4. #4


    Hey Hadrian

    Really excellent city map - as per usual. Looking forward to seeing it develop

    Beltaurb - Resolution settings for export images:

    Hit File/Save as... Then click the save as type drop down box and pick Rectangular section jpg.

    then click the options button, and set your height and width pixels to whatever resolution you want, tick crop image to aspect ratio, ok all of that, name the file and save it.

    Watch the command line. It will prompt you for the first corner of your rectangle, and when you have clicked or entered the coordinates for that, it will ask you for the second corner, for which you must also click or enter coordinates. If you do that bit by clicking the map then you will see a rectangle like a selection rectangle showing you what part of your map you are about to export.

    If you set a very high resolution export you will find it takes a bit longer than you are used to

    EDIT: a better place to ask questions is in the How Do I forum, by starting a thread of your own
    Last edited by Mouse; 07-16-2017 at 06:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Thanks for the info. Also sorry didn't mean to hijack thread, I'll delete if its a bother or against rules.

  6. #6


    Its not against the rules, don't worry. Its just that if Hadrian had been on holiday, and I (or one of the other CC3 users) hadn't noticed 'CC3' in the first few words of your comment on the Activity Stream, you probably wouldn't have got an answer for a couple of days. Its just far more likely you will get an answer in the How do I forum than anywhere else if you have a specific question like that

    I'm sure Hadrian will be fine about it. He's a really nice guy

  7. #7
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Geneva, Switzerland


    A huge map! What a job it represents! very impressive ! Would there be a way to be able to study it in better resolution, in order to better see the details?

  8. #8
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


    Looking nice! I love the sheer scale of it.

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  9. #9


    Thank you, for your comments. Sorry for replying late, I have been quite busy for the last couple of days.

    @beltaurb: Don't worry about that I do not have anything to add to Sue's answer.

    @Sue: Thanks for answering beltraub's question

    @JO: Thank you, JO. I am glad you like it. Technically it would be possible to render it in a higher resolution than 4k. But at the moment this seems impractical because a 8k render takes about an hour or even more. This is mostly due to the high amount of entities on the map. There are over 26'000 entities on the "Building" Sheets.

    @Josiah: Thank you.

  10. #10
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Ft. Wayne, IN


    Large city maps can be quite difficult (done a couple myself).
    This is a fine example... nice job!
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

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