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Thread: unexplored Lands

  1. #111
    Guild Expert
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    Thanks for the feed back guy's, I'll come back later and address each comment separately I really have to run or I'll be late to pick up my son from school but I started working on some islands today, added my "Australia like" continent and the south pole so just a quick update on my progress for the day.

    The Whole Damn World.jpg

  2. #112
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Just out of curiosity (maybe this as already been mentioned already)
    what is your sea/land proportion?

  3. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    Just out of curiosity (maybe this as already been mentioned already)
    what is your sea/land proportion?
    I have absolutely no idea, I wouldn't even know how to find that out. I'm curious though now that you ask... What type of an impact could sea/land proportion have on a planet? Could it effect the climate? Or do you think there is too much land here?

  4. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlin View Post
    So many questions, Kacey... for the pink one, there is the possibility of breaking one of your 5, 6 or 7 plate to a smaller one that will move faster ahead then slow down to collide again when the plates will meet.
    Thanks Warlin I really haden't considered that some plates could move faster then others, actually... stupid me I was trying to get them all the same speed and failing miserably ... This actually helps allot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
    That's a rather neat depiction of the insanity involved in figuring this out.... much neater than when I tried it. My brain does not want to make sense of any of it today but it looks like you're doing well. I'm digging the land shapes + distribution. Keep at it.
    Thanks Chashio... My brain doesn't really want to make sense of it either.

    Quote Originally Posted by PaGaN View Post
    Hey Kacey.

    You need to print this off and keep it handy as a remider of what you had to go through when the map is finished...LOL

    IF i may suggest something? I can sense your confusion radiating off of this schematic and, trust me, i understand. It seems that you are questioning yourself about what some plates should be doing and hypothesizing over others. I think that answering your own questions is harder with this map as you are working on a "moment in time" version.

    They way i am atttacking it is to take several "snapshots" of the plates from the past through to the "present". Bring them into photoshop as layers in order of age. toggle off the visibility on all but the oldest layer. Start with that layer, create a new empty layer above it. toggle visibility on and off for the next "snapshot" (the second oldest) so you can see what is changing and how things are moving, you can then mark up the oldest layer appropriately (plate zone boundaries, mountainous areas rifts etc...) for the oldest you can also mark up with the hypothesized "before we get there" mid ocean ridged divergent boundaries.

    copy this mark up layer and move it ABOVE the second oldest layer and repeat the process with chnages between the second and third age layers. etc...

    As you work thorugh your newer versions of the markup "evolve" in accordance with your plate reconstructions and you should end up wiht less questions and uncertainties.

    Does this make any sense to you? sorry for the poor explanation.

    That's actually a really good idea PaGaN, too bad I didn't think of it earlier I'll have to give that a try.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    No I was just saying that your handwriting is better than mine. It's not that bad actually.
    No worries Azelor I wasn't insulted either way.

  5. #115
    Guild Journeyer PaGaN's Avatar
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    As ever, Kacey, a great update to the landforms. I really am excited to see this world evolve.

    Hopefully i should be able to do some work on my world tonight and be able to show you what i mean visually.

    progress is progress!


  6. #116
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    I have absolutely no idea, I wouldn't even know how to find that out. here?
    You would need to convert the projection to an equal area projection. Get rid of the dotted line and other stuff hiding the map first so you don't select them.
    Using the magic wand, you compare the land pixels with the overall pixels on the map. That gives you a percentage.
    Furthermore, if you want to know how big one continent is in sq km, you take the % and multiply it by the total area of the map.
    If that sounds too complicated I could do it for you. I just need a clean copy just with land and water.

    Or do you think there is too much land
    You have large landmasses close to the poles. These tend to be oversized when using a cylindrical projection compared to reality.
    Overall, it's hard to tell. Just by looking at it. You might have more land than Earth but not that much.

    What type of an impact could sea/land proportion have on a planet? Could it effect the climate?
    On the world scale, I don't know. It could affect the planet's albedo since oceans retain more heat from the star than the forests, I think.
    But oceans can generate a lot of clouds from evaporation, which reduces the albedo.

    The placement of the landmasses could play a larger role. Several millions of years ago, when the strait of Magellan was closed, the climate of Antarctica was much warmer. Warm waters from the Atlantic influenced the local climate.
    Now the continent is completely cut off, surrounded by a could circumpolar current, a very strong one. It's a good thing since it prevent the ice from melting too fast.

    Also, the climate in Antarctica was warmer because the atmospheric composition of the planet was different. The greenhouse effect was much stronger then leading to more uniform climates planet-wide.

    Back to your map, the impact globally is hard to estimate, or probably small. On the local level, large landmasses produce monsoons.

  7. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    If that sounds too complicated I could do it for you. I just need a clean copy just with land and water.
    That definitely sounds too complicated...Will this do?

    The Whole Damn World.jpg

    Keep in mind that this coast is still very much a work in progress, I made some major changes just tonight but the basic distribution is pretty much set in stone. I still have a few areas that need some major changes but not enough to impact the size by much. This is still a sketch, when I'm finally happy with the forms I'll then work on the actual coast line and clean things up.

    I really appreciate the help, I can't thank you enough.

  8. #118
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    Here's the poles...


    I'm pretty happy with the South pole, but the North pole definitely still needs some work.

    And here's a better view of the oceans on a Robinson projection, it's a little easier to see areas that need fixing this way, and there are lots of areas that need fixing...


  9. #119
    Guild Journeyer PaGaN's Avatar
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    Ooooooh, pretty! You're going to have so many places to explore here Kacey. I love it.

    What's wrong with the oceans? They look fine, better then fine. She with the poles. One thing about the North Pole would be that, given the small sea area, I would suspect that the whole thing would be covered by ice cap (unless your overall planetary climate is warmer than earth today).

  10. #120
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    kacey, you got the whole community (maybe nothe whole lot, but a big bunch!) cheering for this

    I'm struggling to find some free time and scribble up notes on your maps, because I got quite a few things to tell you. Will come up with something (pretty awesome, I mean, to me..) soon, hang in there!

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