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Thread: *** July 2018 Challenge: Son of the Fantasy Random Generator ***

  1. #11
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Man, I hope all of you participate! There will be great GREAT mappiness if you do. :

  2. #12
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    I see that my list includes one quite similar to my acclaimed map from last year (#4). This might be worth doing if I can shake free some time, although it would drag down the overall quality of proposed entries.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
    I see that my list includes one quite similar to my acclaimed map from last year (#4). This might be worth doing if I can shake free some time, although it would drag down the overall quality of proposed entries.
    I read no.7... and I'm thinking... " A Diamond-shaped iron monolith floating serenely in the sky."
    Who knew Diamond could fly. Diamond's new wrestling name - The Iron Monolith ;P

  4. #14
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Well of course I've got to participate in this one. And I got a nomadic dwarves one, which I thought was an awesome idea.
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  5. #15
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
    I read no.7... and I'm thinking... " A Diamond-shaped iron monolith floating serenely in the sky."
    Who knew Diamond could fly. Diamond's new wrestling name - The Iron Monolith ;P
    That's how I feel after stuffing myself with waaaaay too much food yesterday!

  6. #16


    I didn't save a proper screenshot but got the following list:
    1. Tirine, a marvelous world of volcanic mountains, cratered lowlands, and storm-wracked seas. The world is primarily populated by dwarves, with smaller numbers of other races.
    2. A grassy hill amidst a cratered field. The air is filled with the scent of ozone.
    3. Somewhere amidst an amber field.
    4. A crystalline cavern on the 5th level of the Halls of Bloody Annihilation.
    5. Elion, a medieval world of wooded hills, misty valleys, and cratered lowlands. The world is primarily populated by humans, with smaller numbers of other races. The denizens of Elion are infamous as powerful necromancers.
    6. A volcanic island in the Sea of Allas.
    7. Somewhere amidst a desolate waste. An ancient and long-forgotten temple lies half-buried in the sand.
    8. A chamber filled with sand on the 8th level of the Dungeon of Indomitable Death.
    9. The bank of a wide river amidst a verdant jungle. A noxious fog fills the still air.
    10. Mithlothlin, an elemental plane of azure water and scattered bubbles of air. The plane is the domain of Finore, a demigod of oceans, and is populated by sea dragons. The denizens of Mithlothlin are at war with invading demons.
    Some of these have a lot more detail than others! I'm intrigued by an "amber field" (3), getting images in my head of vast plains of a natural, deep-gold wild grass, but it's hard to get more vague than "somewhere". Elion (5) is somewhat intriguing; wooded hills and misty valleys combined with necromancy brings to mind the popular image of Romania as depicted in vampire fiction, while necromancy being characteristic of the entire realm gives me interesting worldbuilding ideas regarding its integration into society at a wide scale, and not necessarily dysfunctionally. A temple buried in the sand in a "desolate waste" (7) may not be a particularly novel base concept, but multiple sorts of places/regions can fit the term "desolate waste", and not all of them are a traditional desert (a seafloor 'desert' scarce in the presence of life could also fit the description perfectly, for example, including a temple being half-buried in the sand). A verdant jungle with noxious fogs (9) reminds me of the Hazewood, a region I came up with for a world but never mapped before, which might also make an interesting subject.

    I'll need to think hard about which topic I want to pursue for this challenge!

  7. #17
    Guild Apprentice
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    I'll try it too. Number 6 is my choice. I hope to do it.


    See you soon!

  8. #18


    I like the way this generator uses creature-specific collective nouns, e.g. "nobility of angels" . Can't help but note it made an error in someone's list on the previous page, though - you don't have a "murder of ravens", it's an "unkindness" or "conspiracy" (a "murder" is a group of crows).

  9. #19
    Guild Apprentice Candacis's Avatar
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    Great idea! I think, those generators can lead to all kinds of challenges and ideas.
    For instance, this:
    can spark nice city maps.

  10. #20
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Fantastic to see so much enthusiasm for this challenge once again!

    I don't know if I'll have time, though I did the generator thing anyway, and I love the sound of No. 6 in my choices. Maybe I could manage a small map....

    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

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