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Thread: Imperiana (tectonics onward, advice appreciated)

  1. #21


    Thank you, looking up the snow line page was helpful. In the end, I ended up redoing some of my elevations because they were bugging me a bit anyways. I've finished up with climates and switched over to using the Wikipedia color key (because I prefer it), so here's what I've got.

    Currents & Elevation

    Winds - January

    Winds - July

    Temperature - January

    Temperature - July

    Precipitation - January

    Precipitation - July


    I'm going to be moving on to the geographic map and political maps from here.

    EDIT: added geographic map below, which will have to be the final version of the geographic map unless I plan on redoing 6 hours of work on it because tl;dr another program decided to start trying to do something at the same time as photoshop and somehow slowed down the computer enough that, while saving, my mouse jumped and I saved over the wrong psd, so I've lost the editable version but have the merged flat layer of it at least.
    Imperiana (geographic).jpg
    Last edited by Eldresh; 10-30-2018 at 10:35 PM.

  2. #22


    Everything looks realistic and the geographic map is beautiful, not much to say about, maybe you could add endorheic basin like the Okavango or Tarim ones, especially between the two main mountain ranges on the big landmass.

  3. #23


    I would, but when I lost the multi-layered version of the geographic map I lost hours worth of work, and any changes to it would involve redoing all of that work.

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