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Thread: Making a map really fast. Need some help, advice and criticism.

  1. #11


    Ok, guys. My map is in a lot more finished state, so I'm ready for new portion of criticism and\or advice :)
    Except for a few things I'll mention below, I consider it finished, so please tell if my map is missing something.

    1. Desert(large blank zone right of the xenter). I'm still fruitlessly trying to make something viable.
    2. Naming. Just starting with it.
    3. I'll make a compass and woodcut effect on the ocean. Probably some kind of seaserpent as well.
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  2. #12


    I've never done a map slowly, with the longest duration to make any map for me was 16 hours over 4 days - the hand-drawn version of the City of Kasai map for Paizo Publishing Pathfinder Jade Regent AP. Almost every other map I've done took less than a day. But I'm quite fast at mapping. So it's good to see someone else attempting the same.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  3. #13


    Wow. It was a sleepless night, but in the end I managed it in time. In a few hours publisher will get to work and find my letter with a map :)
    Thanks for all the advice and feedback guys. I really helped a lot!

    I'll attach the final version here. Please take a look. I wont be able to change anything, but I'd really like to hear seasoned cartographers opinions.
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  4. #14
    Guild Apprentice vanScoota's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Southern Germany


    Wow, the final product does look a lot better than your last WIP. I really like the desert brush. It is distinguishable and fits in quite nicely. The woodcut effect adds depth and provides a natural frame. What I don't like is that you didn't add a glow to the compass to raise it above the woodcut effect. It doesn't stand out as much as it should. But overall this is a very neat map!

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