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Thread: Aelwydi

  1. #81


    Yes, that's definitely better.

    How about trying a few new blend modes, like grain merge. That will keep the nice brown colour but is a lot darker than overlay. If it's too dark you then have a margin to adjust it up again by varying the transparency of the layer.

  2. #82


    I tried playing around a bunch with the grain merge but couldn't get anything that didn't look super black from it. Maybe they changed how it works in the latest version of GIMP or I'm just not doing it correctly. Either way apart from a few tweaks I think this will be the final version that I post up.

  3. #83


    That's fine

    Did you try reducing the opacity to make it not so super black?

  4. #84


    Yeah it just seemed to go grey then :/

    I've put the final version in the finished map section. I have also tried setting up an album for all my maps of this world but I'm not entirely sure how the albums section works on this site. Can I edit the order stuff is displayed in the album and get it to show a thumb nail? Currently it doesn't seem to have one.

  5. #85


    I don't know much about the way the albums work myself. Maybe the only way of ordering things is to upload them in the right order?

  6. #86


    I dunno how this is going to go exactly but something a little bit different next.

    night sky.png

    Searched around online and used this tutorial to generate the stars for the world now I'm thinking about drawing on constellations.

  7. #87


    I've started playing join the dots to pick out constellations. Would like some feed back and feel free to chip in with any interesting shapes you can spot in the star patterns!

    night sky1.png

  8. #88


    I love the coastline detail. Is that all manually drawn or did you use some kind of procedural-generated technique?

  9. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by swiss View Post
    I love the coastline detail. Is that all manually drawn or did you use some kind of procedural-generated technique?
    I'm not sure which map you are referring to but for most of the maps the coast lines were based on different real world coastlines with some editing. For example Tirbore was Tasmania rotated.

  10. #90


    Ah yeah I see there are a lot of different maps in here. I was talking about the ones posted on 9-23.

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