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Thread: Wilbur will not run, times out, not responding on load

  1. #1

    Default Wilbur will not run, times out, not responding on load

    Hey. New to the apps and programs. Got them for Christmas. I am wanting to import a binary and chat gpt said to get wilbur to convert the bmp.

    Wilbur ran once. And GPT said to make an MRD or whatever and that did not work so it said to try a raw binary.

    Problem is Wilbur will not load any more.

    Ran it once, just fine. Now it times out with the blue ring and will not respond.

    I repaired it, deleted it, redownloaded it, and tried every usual way to get it to run.

    Times out ON click. Will not file load or any menu action. Just the white blank screen with the spinning blue ring of windows 10.


  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Hello Rachel and welcome to the guild. I think this is the place the get help with Wilbur. But can I just check, what was the task that your trying to get wilbur to do ? Converting a bmp may be better done with a different app and Chat GPT does say some utter rubbish at times...

  3. #3
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Which "the apps and programs" are you referring to? What kind of binary are you looking to import? There may be other ways that Wilbur to accomplish that task.

    The only state that Wilbur persists from run to run is stored in the registry key Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Slayton Software\Wilbur and deleting that key should restore your system like it was the first time that Wilbur ran.

    What Wilbur version are you running? What processor is your system running?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Hello Rachel and welcome to the guild. I think this is the place the get help with Wilbur. But can I just check, what was the task that your trying to get wilbur to do ? Converting a bmp may be better done with a different app and Chat GPT does say some utter rubbish at times...
    Please suggest any.

    I only did what the bot said. LOL

    I have a world which is a post apocalyptic earth.

    I need to shift the poles, flood places, and redo some lands.

    The best advice was load the real earth data and then use FT3 to alter that. Rather than trying to make it all from scratch.

    So step one was go to NOAA and download the file, convert it ti grayscale, and then to raster and then import it into FT3.

    I got stuck trying to do this. So far. ZILTCH

    So, any advice from smart PEOPLE not stupid bots... most welcome.


    = )

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
    Which "the apps and programs" are you referring to? What kind of binary are you looking to import? There may be other ways that Wilbur to accomplish that task.

    The only state that Wilbur persists from run to run is stored in the registry key Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Slayton Software\Wilbur and deleting that key should restore your system like it was the first time that Wilbur ran.

    What Wilbur version are you running? What processor is your system running?
    Latest wilbur off the guys site. No idea whats the 12345 numbers are whatever.

    Also I found the FT3 has a copy older that I guess came with the download of all these apps. I bought the full super package for Christmas.

    I will try that reg edit hack and see. Thanks !!

  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Well, loading a binary can mean anything and converting a bitmap is best done with a paint app like Photoshop or Gimp or something like that. But it was just as well that I asked to check what you wanted because it appears that you don't need to convert a bitmap at all and that what you really want is to move the poles on a map, flood some plains and work with some terrain. I think that Wilbur could be one of a handful of tools that would help in that case.

    As said, if it is earth - even post apocalyptic - then the land form, continents and so on would be in roughly the same place and shape as our current earth and so downloading earth data sounds like a good start. NOAA is a good place to go. Also search for SRTM data and you can get binary data for height maps of most of the earth. I believe that it is possible to get some of that into Wilbur or also QGis or possibly using GDAL directly. GDAL is the library which is incorporated into qGIS.

    You can use QGis to change a map projection. Its not something I do a lot so cant contribute but I know that Waldronate has a good deal of knowledge about that and maybe Wilbur or a similar tool can do that for you.

    If your prepared to do all of the terrain modeling in lower height resolution you can do it all with grayscale bitmaps in a paint app like Gimp. You can lower the heights or raise them and cut off the height at a certain grey level to simulate flooding at a certain level. You can definitely import a greyscale height based image into Wilbur and continue to process it as terrain from there. But much can be done with a paint app until you want something special like erosion etc. Waldronate is certainly the expert here for Wilbur and FT3 and I dont know how to fix your app issues.

    But if you want to try QGis then its free and here is the link:

    Its a full GIS app which means it is quite complicated and has lots of options, most of which you wont need to use.


    I am sure one of the above will be useful getting the data.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 12-27-2024 at 09:16 AM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
    Which "the apps and programs" are you referring to? What kind of binary are you looking to import? There may be other ways that Wilbur to accomplish that task.

    The only state that Wilbur persists from run to run is stored in the registry key Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Slayton Software\Wilbur and deleting that key should restore your system like it was the first time that Wilbur ran.

    What Wilbur version are you running? What processor is your system running?
    Just clarity on this. There are a lot of entries under wilbur. So, do I nuke the whole thing and delete wilbur from it all, and just reinstall it?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
    What processor is your system running?
    I have an Alienware, win 10 pro, 17 R5, with 16TB 8/8 Raid and 32GB DDR4. Its about 6 years old but works fine.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Well, loading a binary can mean anything and converting a bitmap is best done with a paint app like Photoshop or Gimp or something like that. But it was just as well that I asked to check what you wanted because it appears that you don't need to convert a bitmap at all and that what you really want is to move the poles on a map, flood some plains and work with some terrain. I think that Wilbur could be one of a handful of tools that would help in that case.

    As said, if it is earth - even post apocalyptic - then the land form, continents and so on would be in roughly the same place and shape as our current earth and so downloading earth data sounds like a good start. NOAA is a good place to go. Also search for SRTM data and you can get binary data for height maps of most of the earth. I believe that it is possible to get some of that into Wilbur or also QGis or possibly using GDAL directly. GDAL is the library which is incorporated into qGIS.

    You can use QGis to change a map projection. Its not something I do a lot so cant contribute but I know that Waldronate has a good deal of knowledge about that and maybe Wilbur or a similar tool can do that for you.

    If your prepared to do all of the terrain modeling in lower height resolution you can do it all with grayscale bitmaps in a paint app like Gimp. You can lower the heights or raise them and cut off the height at a certain grey level to simulate flooding at a certain level. You can definitely import a greyscale height based image into Wilbur and continue to process it as terrain from there. But much can be done with a paint app until you want something special like erosion etc. Waldronate is certainly the expert here for Wilbur and FT3 and I dont know how to fix your app issues.

    But if you want to try QGis then its free and here is the link:

    Its a full GIS app which means it is quite complicated and has lots of options, most of which you wont need to use.


    I am sure one of the above will be useful getting the data.

    Thanks. That is a lot to unpack.

    I already did get the EOPS1 or whatever that file is. Already converted to grey scale. Already set the values for 8488M and -10799 or close for the 1=225 grayscaling.

    The problem was GOT telling me to IMPORT and FT3 not having any such function or feature. File export, open, new, but NO Import.

    So GPT then of course gets off track trying to solve problems. At which it sucks horridly so.

    And this is how I got wilbur to try and convert my QGIS files to MDR or Binary or some file that FT3 likes and that can just work with the simple "OPEN".

    At which case, well, then I can see what it does.

    So, that said, perhaps I should provide more details on what I want to DO rather than the steps of process which may or may not be relevant.

    I will do that in a follow up thread so as to not make your reply as cluttered if others see what the need is and want to address that without the bulk of this dialog.

    Thanks again!

    I love active forums with people who try to help and not the kinds with trolls who mock noobs.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Well, I asked to check what you wanted because it appears that you don't need to convert a bitmap at all and that what you really want is to move the poles on a map, flood some plains and work with some terrain. I think that Wilbur could be one of a handful of tools that would help in that case.

    As said, if it is earth - even post apocalyptic - then the land form, continents and so on would be in roughly the same place and shape as our current earth and if you are prepared to do all of the terrain modeling in lower height resolution you can do it all with grayscale bitmaps in a paint app like Gimp. You can lower the heights or raise them and cut off the height at a certain grey level to simulate flooding at a certain level. You can definitely import a greyscale height based image into Wilbur and continue to process it as terrain from there. But much can be done with a paint app until you want something special like erosion etc. Waldronate is certainly the expert here for Wilbur and FT3 and I dont know how to fix your app issues.
    So thanks for that, here is the actual need devoid of the verbose techno jargon.

    Yes, I did the QGIS and Bitmap and I use photoshop adobe and others regularly. And I can figure out about any app by a video, or GPT and I have a very high software aptitude so learning a new system is not a challenge.

    That said.

    My "world" has the following "features" and I need a robust map to document it all, then to go down to the nation level, state level, city levels and make all those things I have on paper and in notes, easier for others to see and that is why I bought the whole package from this company. ALL of them. Just 2 days ago. So I am a total noob, but have every tool there is.

    So, I had a comet strike it and alter its pole by 10 degrees east which moves the arctic circle over Europe and Russia, and warms norther Canada. I need the app and map that best shows this and models the weather, jet streams and would show what it is like now thousands of years after.

    Also, the comet brought more water, aka Ice, so we had a larger longer ice age first, then the melt, and then the floods altering the lower coasts.

    In the past I just made that up and took my guesses.

    I would like a real map to show me really what 70 meters of rising sea level does. For real. And not global warming melting our ice now, but new water added by the comet.

    Once I have all that. Then I can go deeper into the mapping of where which cities we all made up would really be.

    When I was a teen, no one cared, we just said city X is on the cost where X old city used to be before the events of the comet.

    But now with such tools, I want to retcon the whole thing for serious accuracy as I plan to publish it all now and well, it was fun but totally not realistic what we did then as kids.

    Hope this clarifies the goals.

    Any advice on this side of which tools with which to start and or how these work together to get this done?

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