This will be my WIP thread for my current world map project. The world is named Dorthellin, and I am very pleased to share it with you.
Please keep in mind that more detailed WIP shots, close-ups and behind the scenes info can be found at both my Patreon and my Ko-fi pages, where you will eventually be able to purchase this world for your very own use in TTRPGs or what-have-you.
Much of this landscape will change over time, as I dial in the details. I am doing what comes naturally to me. It isn't meant to be completely accurate, to scale, or based on any earthly dynamics - it is fantasy! And as such, my main goal is for it to be fun, pleasing to look at, and exciting to the senses.
My goal for any map that I make is to have it evoke a sense of adventure and wonderment. I imagine what a party of players would think and feel while looking at it for the first time; questions like, "what treasures lay beyond that mountain pass?", or, "I wonder what horrors await us in that darkened forest?" are what inspire me to create these worlds. As such, this world will eventually include some amount of lore, although I encourage all who use my maps to make them their own, drawing inspiration from the varied landscapes and locales.
For my maps I use Wonderdraft and a good amount of Photoshop. I do not buy custom assets, as I make my own when I need to. It's occurred to me that my style of painting and utilizing Wonderdraft is a bit unique and I am proud of this! I want my maps to stand out and be known at first glance by their aesthetic. I am heavily inspired by older generation RPGs such as those made for PS1 and PS2, where low resolutions were pushed to their limits and each pixel held a magnificent weight. There is something so whimsical about those worlds that still capture my heart to this day. Seeing the world map for the first time was always such an exciting moment.
Now, I think I have rambled on long enough. I present to you a very work-in-progress Dorthellin, which I have been working on for about seven days or so. Please enjoy, and don't forget that you can follow me on Patreon and Ko-fi for free to enjoy more detailed close-ups and daily progress reports.
The Shaman
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