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Thread: The Spine of the World, Mithral Hall and other locations (Forgotten Realms)

  1. #1

    Map The Spine of the World, Mithral Hall and other locations (Forgotten Realms)

    Spine of the World HexCrawl export final.png

    I thought of sharing a map that I made this early morning as a challenge. Titles are in Portuguese because I made it for use at my own D&D table.

    It's loosely based on the most recent official Map of Faerūn plus some extra locations I gathered from other maps of the region. It also includes homebrewed locations I plan to use on my game.

    Why did I make it tough? Because my players found a treasure map on our campaign and want to follow it. I asked a family member (who knows nothing about dnd) to point on a random location of the aforementioned official map, and I would throw the treasure somewhere there. I didn't expect she would point a random spot on the middle of the Spine of the World though, so, for ease of later exploration, I made this map.
    Tools: Grid Cartographer (hex layout) + Gimp (everything else).
    Scale: 5km (approximately 3.1 miles) per hex.
    Color meaning: darker shades of color means higher elevation. Greens: fields and forests | Oranges: hills, cliffs, etc | Browns: Mountains. Dotted rivers are underground.

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Thats cool.

    I got really excited when they issued the initial Faerun maps all that time ago. I thought it was great that there was some official land that we could all map into and then there would be extensions and modules that would fit into the official space. Then in my D&D group I made up some places and the players said that they were not on the official map as if their characters would know this. I mapped some of the towns that then got an official town plan which differed to mine. And my players read more books and knew more about the place than I did. Then it dawned on me that it was not so easy to use as a DM. I always thought that they should have reserved some places on the map for DMs to put their own stuff into.

    So kudos to you for putting in your own areas to Faerun. The trek into and out of the Spine of the World would be an adventure in itself.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post

    Then in my D&D group I made up some places and the players said that they were not on the official map as if their characters would know this.
    Some people just forget that every Faerūn is a different one, and in a tabletop RPG everything can be canon, haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post

    So kudos to you for putting in your own areas to Faerun. The trek into and out of the Spine of the World would be an adventure in itself.
    Thank you! I was lucky this spot on the Spine is, despite the proximity of famous locations, very desolate, so I can throw a lot of weird new locales.

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