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Thread: First Map: Ascension(ish) Style!

  1. #21


    Thank you all for coming to my aid. Coyotemax, I checked out your tutorial, and it looks really Photoshop users any way. I on the other hand am using GIMP, and I don't think GIMP comes with the same functions. Which is where the plug-in Jaxilon mentioned would come in really handy. Unfortunately I tried to download it and my computer couldn't read the file. Not sure why, perhaps it wasn't already compiled for Windows? Anyway I ended up using the: measurement tool-box select-color fill method and it worked beautifully. I then bevel & embossed the scale and voila. Thanks once again g for the helpful advice; I was really in a bind there for a bit.

    Here is the map complete with scale. The last thing now is to name the rivers and trade major trade routes. If you all have any other helpful critiques, please let me know because after this next state its off to the finished maps section.



  2. #22
    Guild Apprentice Matrim's Avatar
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    Just thought i'd pop in to say, well done! Great result you got there!
    This inspired me to give Gidde's/Ascension's tut a try, of which my first WIP is now up somewhere around here.

    As one beginner to another, thank you!

    Edit: Gave you some rep, after figuring out how to ^^
    Last edited by Matrim; 01-31-2010 at 01:15 PM.
    Doodle it.

  3. #23


    Hi Matrim, thanks for the kind words. I'm glad to hear that in my own small way, I was able to help someone else new to the guild-I know how daunting the initial learning phase can be. By the way, I saw your WIP map, great job so far. I've posted some comments on that thread for you.



  4. #24
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    That is sweet work, man. The colors are vibrant without being overwhelming, everything's legible, and the mountains look fantastic. Repped!

  5. #25


    Thanks for the encouragement Diamond.



  6. #26
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    wow that's great! one of the best i've seen in this style!

    My finished maps
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  7. #27

    Default Indicesion, Indecision

    Shucks guys, thanks. Ok, made one minor change. I added an inner border, but I'm not sure yet if it will survive my scrutiny to make it into the final draft. You guys got any thoughts on the matter? Here's a set of before and after pics. Like I said, still not sure which I like better:

  8. #28
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    Well, that came out just great. Not sure what the problem is with the add-on. I am pretty sure that's the same one I have and I am using windows but to be honest it doesn't look at all like you even needed it.

    Great job. I wish my first map came out as well.
    “When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden

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  9. #29
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Yeah, I like that additional inner border. Looks good, seems to pull the map together more.

  10. #30
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    I think execution-wise that it looks great but I don't think that it fits this map style and color. It would fit perfectly on a parchment style map, though. My 2 cents.
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