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Thread: Island Map in two formats

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  1. #11
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Jun 2007
    Cape Town, South Africa


    Thank you all for your responses and suggestions.

    I have made certain changes to the map, and am trying to concentrate first on the forests. I have given them more coverage using Rav's mask, except in the desert areas, and have tried to make them look flatter and more in tune with the scale. Its definately not British Columbia, but I doubt there are that many places in the world that are so heavily treed. I'm from Africa, but the area I live in is fairly wooded, at least on the foothills around the mountains, looking at it now that may have had some influence.

    I will have more problems addressing the rivers. I am using Inskcape and Gimp and I dont know how to use either of these to draw lines that taper or widen as they progress. Does anyone else?

    What do you think?

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    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

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