I bought myself http://www.trust.com/products/product.aspx?artnr=15358 last month , Im still tryign to get used to this tablet because im a "wrist" scetcher and nw i have to move across the entire tablet to position my "pen" ... but slowly im commign there .

The oen thing i was kinda peeved about is that the tablet cant be set to only use 1 screen , u have a Dual screen setup on my graphics PC and each time I use the tablet im forced to switch off one screen and after beeign used to 2 screens for ages thsi is kinda irritating, send a mail to Trust and they replied "sorrry but our tablet doesnt support that feature, you'll just have to turn of your 2nd screen" ....

Never gaain wil I buy somthing from Trust ! ... next will be a bamboo one ^^ i think :p Im tryign to peddle this oen off to a coworker and then i might recuperate the small loss and buy a new tabelt :p