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Thread: My First Project in Illustrator

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  1. #20
    Guild Artisan su_liam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Port Alberta, Regina(IRL: Eugene, OR)


    Okay, so I said I'd try detailing the tropical northwest corner. Still having some issues. It didn't scale up real well to start with. I may have to start the process over again(upscale a little, noise erode, noise; upscale a little more, ad nauseam).

    I've been testing a real peachy keen dem tool for one of the local genii who prefers to remain nameless. I've put in maybe three hours on his marvelous program in the four months since he sent it to me. Me mal! Anyway it was working real well for my, thus far unambitious goals. Well, this one seems to have hit just the combi of scale and resolution to be kind of intractable. Basically, I can't seem to find a set of params that don't either leave me with smoothed out inundated mess or a desert.

    Enough about me and my tiny brain. This is the northwest corner of Al Burphaban, in the region of Takhta Raja, Desa Hutan and Seberang. The area from 10 deg S to 30 deg S and 80 deg W to 100 deg W was resampled to 2048 square in Wilbur, then I added a bit of noise(my own secret recipe for noise), did a few iterations of basin fill erosion, noise, basin fill, and saved as an hf2. I took the hf2 into the very cool program I referred to earlier and, hey presto. I used the eroded output of the secret program as the dem. For texturing, I used a blend in Wilbur of 3 parts color output from ###, 2 parts altitude texture and 1 part slope texture from Wilbur. Needs work. A lot. But I think it's a good start. The climate still screams anything but tropical forest.
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