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Thread: WIP - CD3 - Wittgenfels

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  1. #1
    Guild Artisan Katto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Dortmund, Germany

    Wip WIP - CD3 - Wittgenfels

    Initial situation:
    It was time for me to use CD3 again, so I don't forget how to use it.

    Story [rough]:
    The city is located in the Midlands from the Re'Skaal continent in the second cycle.

    At the beginning of the second cycle a mine was located where later the castle should be build. After the finding of a rare metal the operators of the mine declared themselves independent from the realm of Aenos. The local regents sent an army to defeat the defectors, but the army was very small because most soldiers were killed in the "Magician Wars" and due to the exposed position the miners succeeded. With the valuable metal as the main trading good merchants came and settled next to the mountain of Wittgenstein.

    The mine was extended to a castle complex called Wittgenstein, build into the solid stone around the mountain. Later the settlement, which grew rapidly, took name Wittgenfels.
    Most parts of the casle and town were destroyed during the "Automaton Wars".

    The city was created with CD3, the streets, fields, background, mountains, hand drawn sketch and part of the Re'Skaal map with photoshop.

    - adding the castle complex
    - adding vegetation
    - changing the mountains to grey
    - fixing the street and further textures to seamless ones
    - find a way to add a good looking mountain range with CC3
    - adding a legend and perhaps a frame
    - much more things I can't estimate yet

    CC of course is welcome!


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    Last edited by Katto; 03-22-2010 at 06:12 AM. Reason: make Blaidd Drwg happy

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