Ok, been playing around with GIMP for 3-5 days now trying to figure out how to redo my old map. And after several phone calls today stating that my new group was wanting to start our game this weekend I though I had better get some sort of starter map done.
The colors and details are really plain, but still trying to figure out several tuts on how to do this, and since I need some type of functional map for this weekend, I did it using the few thinks I have figured out so far. I am starting to become a slave to brushes since they do make some parts easier, but I need to break that addiction in it's early stages and learn to do it the right way. Most of the tuts I find for the style I like are in PS and I end up spending way to much time trying to duplicate a step in GIMP.
Hope, the River, Mountain, Hill police inspect it as well.
Right now I have one desert, and it was created from a huge magical battle 2500 years ago. Would like to add another one but not sure where to place it on the map so it's correct. All suggestions on the proper desert placement will be gladly accepted.
I'm included my first map that was done in CorelDraw so you can see the differences.
So take a look at it and let me know what's good and bad about it. I'll take one good point as an overall victory..lol