This is the quick color mock-up to show what might be possible with the stuff I have made so far...


Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd View Post
For the shadows. Could you release shapes with 2-3 layers as separate elements...
I like the idea... but that would take much longer as I would need to make shadows from every angle... in the end I think you would get a better overall product if you color and shadow the line art for the map you are working on that way everything matches. I am not opposed to making some full quality color versions of the elements so that it is less work for you all... but the shadows are one of those things that will bring the map together and if they don't match can ruin the effect IMO. (just look at the cheesy ones I used in the color image below)

Here is a start to the castle they are just normal .png files without transparency. Just set to multiply and color... The last file is the wall parts and a stairway to get up to the towers. For the walls just line up the parts to make them as long as you need then merge them together copy and flip the copy vertically to make the other half... the darker line of the wall is the outside edge.


I may do a video on how these were made and how I color, just to show how I do things and try to get others to make some line art for this town elements project.

Comments, cirques, and ways I can make things better or easier to use are always welcomed!