Many years ago I went to school and got a degree in technology and data processing because I did not want to be a "starving artist". That said, I have always enjoyed sitting down and banging out some artwork whenever I felt the urge. Not maps mind you, but that is beside the point. I even sold a piece or two but never took it very seriously. Now, I own/operate my own business in the service industry and find very little creative flow in what I am doing. Thus, I find myself being drawn back to my artistic talents and enjoying it very much. I am totally new to doing this stuff digitally but am interested in eventually turning this hobby into a source of income, if it seems feasible. I am not going to be upset if it fails to happen because I am still enjoying myself. I also happen to have another source that puts food on the table. If I was doing this for a living then I would probably be more stressed about it.
That said, I have wondered about the question being raised here and if it is possible to make any worthwhile sort of income doing this? Especially with folks giving away work that looks as good or better than what I can produce. In the end, I figure the answer is, "Not if I try to do the same thing everyone else is doing.". I need to rely on what has always set me apart from others and that is something I think each artist must do. Learn what sets you apart because your uniqueness is what makes you valuable. That is my take anyway.
Right now, I am trying to get over that hump of being held back by not knowing the digital tools well enough to produce what I can do by hand. I am still learning the lingo and size requirements, what happens when you start out creating something that is too low resolution and all the other stupid stuff that kills you when you are a noob. Once I know what I can do and have built up a little confidence in my ability to meet a deadline with something useful I will probably NOT want to "give" a lot of things away.
So why would a guy like me want to do a free map? Well, for one, I'm not entirely sure I can pull the job off. I'd hate to get reamed out by someone because they have money on the line and I'm over here flapping around with my software trying to figure out how to make a mountain look right. Also, I am not that likely to take on a free map unless it's something I can use myself, either for gaming with my friends or to add to my portfolio. It would have to be a pretty inspiring idea to jump on a free map that I did not also want for myself.
I might add that pretty much anything posted here has to be considered pretty much free maps. They are being used for who knows what which is all fine by the Creative Common rules. Art is notoriously a tough gig to make a decent living with. The world just doesn't seem to appreciate things like Art and Poetry until they are gone or the artist is dead. I don't think the once in a while "free map" is going to have much impact but if it happens all the time we certainly could be shooting ourselves in the foot.
The Art of Business blog had a point on Crowdsourcing and how this is a killer as well. <-- this sounds more sinister to me. It's like tossing all of us into a mosh pit and may the best win while the thousand other entrants get absolutely jack for their hard work. Much of that will send everyone into other fields if you ask me. Unless people are just stupid or don't need money to live. If you click on the example site it says, "59,000+ designers and writers are standing by". Say what?! They will all bust out free work and you only pay the one you like best? Well, I'm not stupid, I'm not going to go into that field, Better to plant a garden and spend my time growing my own food at least then I am sure to get something out of my work.
Other than all that, pretty much what Coyotemax and some of the others already said.
PS. Coyotemax, I think I talk to much so it's good when i get busy in life and limit my time on the boards. I'm afraid everyone will get sick of me otherwise, hehe.