As an American 1%er (we who actually watch and follow world football) I'm severely ticked off about our team. We got lucky against England but we're better than that. We should have murdered Slovenia and Algeria. We should have beat Ghana and Uruguay would have been tough but it was right there for us to be in the semis. We would have probably lost to the Netherlands and lost the third place game but it was right there so who knows. But we stunk up the joint. Granted we didn't stink things up as bad as England, France, or Italy but I'm still really mad about the whole thing. Spain can't score unless Villa does it (5 for him 1 from the others), Uruguay can't squeak out another so Germany vs. Netherlands and the blitzkrieg wins 3 - 1 and Spain takes the third place game 2 - 0. Bring on Brazil, I think.