An update to the program.

I've still not wrestled all my (perceived) problems from the Remove Misplaced Trees tool, and the way that brushes were handled with the extra space at the side to allow for shadows was really making things harder than they needed to be. So I've changed the way that shadows are handled. They are now drawn in separate images cropped to their size and the trees etc. are also cropped so there is no blank space. This makes things such as mirroring much easier but presents its own problems such as: where are they attached to the trees?
To this end there is an extra option on the dropdown list at the bottom, "Shadow Offsets." This allows shadows to be moved into position. As yet the program doesn't save these offsets between sessions but it is on my to do list.
I've edited all the included brush sets to work with this change to the shadows.

I've also spent some time trying to improve the UI a little. I've still some way to go and I want to include buttons for things such as mirroring, light direction and tree removal, but it's starting to look a little better. I have to say, whoever designed the stock layout managers for Java needs a punch in the mouth. :S

Here is a screenie of how it looks right now...
