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Does anyone have a conlang?
If so please translate this:
All of these are íc (pronounced like "each") constructions in my primary conlang -- the verb does not vary by person, number or gender, only by tense. The pronouns vary by number and gender, but verbs do not shift to match the gender or number of a pronoun, only the timing, completion, or adverbial state of the action. The contruction itself will never stand alone with the exception of Xi íc, and even this stands alone only as a name meaning "The one which is"; the full name is "xi íc, xi ícikun, xi íns", or "the one which is, the one which was, the one which will be", and it's a divine name shortened to a four-letter Word as XIÍC or XIIC.
I Yi íc
You Ci íc
He Ji íc
She Si íc
It Xi íc (can specifically mean a non-gendered being or an object)
We Ki íc
You all Aci íc
They Shi íc
All of these are often shortened in casal use, both spoken and written, with the initial consonant flowing directly into the íc, and although xi is a special case as noted above, it's distinguished plainly in writing (all proper names are written entirely in greater form letters, and the language does have spacing between words), sometimes of "it is" the unique term "híc" is used in speaking, to avoid confusion with the divine name -- the compound makes no sense at face value of "and is", only that in speech /x/ and /h/ are sometimes interchanged (both ways) by dialect, slur, or complex artistic choice.