First, I want to throw great heaps of thanks and appreciation to Pasis for his wonderful tutorial.
As in the subject, here is a double first for me. A world map done with a tablet.
Sorry for such a large file and map. I compressed the JPEG as much as I dare without totally losing picture quality. I have since cut the map into two pieces with a 200 pixel overlap in the center. The lines are the major latlong lines I put on all world maps I create (all previous were hand drawn). These major latlongs are:
Red = Prime Meridian
Blue = Date Line
Green = Equator
Yellow = northern and southern subsolar points
Cyan = arctic and antarctic circles
I put these lines in for they show me the maximum intertropical convergent zone migration (dependent upon landforms) due to axial tilt and the maximum extent of perennial polar ice caps (although not always).
The smoke cloud was a last second edition I failed to turn off before exporting to a JPEG. However, it does show the sight of a massive caldera (super-volcano) that I had recently exploding on the Onaviu.
Thanks for any comments and criticisms.