Aaand, back again. Didn't get a lot of response to a small portion of the map I posted in tabletop mapping, so I didn't continue posting my progress there, and part of me worried the players (I'm going to use this in a D&D Play-by-post game) would see this before I was done.

I was going to add a lot more detail, but photoshop was struggling as it was when I was adding the trees and shrubs, so I decided to scrap that idea. I'm still not happy with some parts of the city (landschape outside the walls, the temple area and the slums, mostly), but I wanted this map finished before I had to use it, of course. I might add details later on anyway when the players re-enter the city, but that I'll leave for later..

The city of Morrwar has recently been overrun by Orcs (the players helped a nobleman escape from the city while this occured), and the status of the populace is of yet unknown. Hopes are that the clerics, the mages and the King have managed to protect themselves from the slaughter. The players will soon find out if they have...

Note, the image is reduced to 25% of it's size, I still need somewhere to upload the full image. The other image I added is zoomed in to 100% and has some details added. The image of the docks is not fully compatible with the full city image, since I had to change some stuff later on.